Spencer Report.

This month the humans & I worked a lot…well, they worked and I sat nearby for pets and stress relief. We still made time for our walks and even managed to see some friends. I was very happy despite the  hectic schedule  and very long hours.


Our wonderful  friends gave us a beautiful fruit basket from Edible Arrangements. Its fruit that’s arranged like flowers, only you can eat it. Mmmm! It was so pretty no one wanted to eat it but we finally broke down and munched away. I loved the honey dew melon  … it was delicious!


It’s a good thing we had all the fruit to fuel us up. We worked very late every night for the past week and last night we worked all night. Luckily I have a bed at the studio and I crashed out. I slept very soundly through all the car chases and gunshots in the movie we’re mixing. It’s funny how none of that bothers me but real life fireworks make me anxious!


The humans have promised me a big hike this weekend for all my hard work and I am really looking forward to that!

12 thoughts

  1. Hey Spence~ Seeing your happy smile just makes us go awwww !! You sure did have a busy week, mom’s been working long hours too, but I don’t get to go :(( so I pout. That fruit looks divine… mom can make a palm tree with a green pepper and a carrot..bol…
    Good seeing buddy, put me in your dayplanner!!

  2. hey Spencer, missed you! havent been able to blog for days, im so glad you’ve been busy all week, doing your job as volunteer and making people happy. cool thing you get to enjoy lots of great and yummy treats! im so glad you didnt hurt your paw with that sliver! take care now!

  3. Spencer, I really like your blog and the work your people are doing on documentary. It’s important work. If you get a chance, stop by my blog. Our beagle, Lilibeth, has her own blog too. She’s about 16 years old and very wise.

  4. Ooooo…that bouquet of fruits look yummy! But I don’t really like eating fruits at all coz I’m not a sweet tooth girl. You’re a very handsome stud!

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  5. Oh.. that fruities well-arranged basket was so yummylicious and pretty!… but i think i will not hesitate to trash them down.. hehehe..

    Golden Rossi

  6. Spencer – we think, that with all your hard work, you deserve a raise! We think some chicken and some vanilla yogurt should be in order this weekend. You look like a very pooped pup!

    How about some spa treatments? Our human Dad lays in down in front of the TV every night with Althea and gives her a massage. We’re not sure who’s benefitting from this massage. But after a rough day, spa treatments are on the menu at our house! Wish you could come by!

    Althea and Buddy

  7. Oh yummy fruit!!! I’ll have to try honeydew. Tell your Pop not to work tooo hard, K? At least ya all get to be together!

  8. You’re right, all this office work takes it out of a dog.
    I would HATE all those film noises!
    Excuse us if we are quiet for a while – we’re just working up to our launch. Bimmy wants a secretary, and I want to play on the beach!

  9. Hi, Spencer
    I missed you! But now I know you were working very hard! That basket of fruits looks really delicious, like you said almost to not to eat it!
    I hope you will have great time this weekend. Please take pictures to show us, ok?
    Have a nice day

  10. Hi Spencer! You look so precious sound asleep when napping! I bet that fruit was really yummy….have a good day!
    Love & Licks,

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