Micro Nose World.

My nose is very sensitive… it smells things close up… like red hot  chilies….

and yellow  flowers….

I can even smell the spray of the drops of water from the fountain…

and the roses…

as well as the limes….

I don’t get too close to smell this cactus because it’s prickly…

but I like to smell this pink flower…

and I LOVE the smell of new tennis balls!!!

It’s  really  Great to have such a wonderful sense of smell!

6 thoughts

  1. Aldo is a Golden Retriever and he has a very sensitive nose too. he works at the Pentagon sniffying for explosives on all the trucks and cars that come in there every day. Our Mom’s daughter is a Pentagon Police person and her job is to take care of Aldo. We odgs have superior sniffing capability. However, sometimes we can sniff stuff that makes us sneeze. RAGWEED. YUCK>

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