Just Being There…

Every now and then, you get a foster case with absolutley no hope. A dog too far gone from human neglect, and the afflictions brought on by that abuse. In those cases, you can only be there for them, until the time comes to set them free from their pain and suffering. This is the most difficult task one has to face. As an abandoned dog’s advocate, you must monitor their pain closely, and realize when the time right is to release them from their suffering. It is a decision that does not come easy, nor lightly, but this burden is the ultimate form of caring. At a time when an living being needs another so much, the greatest thing you can give is your love and comfort. It is the same as when you lose your own family. Perhaps you have not had years of companionship, but the bond of a dog can be fast and furious and leave a lasting impression on the human psyche. It is a task to rise to, to accept with courage and to perform with the utmost love.

This is what I was faced with recently, while fostering one of the worst cases of neglect I have ever witnessed. But although the situation was dire and the causes grim, my foster companion remained his true beautiful self…a loving , happy dog. It is strength that propelled me to love him as  much as humanly possible in the short time he had left. To see the inner beauty of a creature so forgiving of the evils of man. Such an experience touches you in a place deep inside. Never to be forgotten and always to be cherished.

Rest easy now boy, you mission here is completed.

16 thoughts

  1. Thank you for filling his last days with love and compassion. Knowing how much dogs live in the present and how they have so much ability to love – I know love was all he felt in his final days. You are an angel.

  2. Special dogs tug at our hearts, but none as much as a creature who has only asked for love and care and received neither. Happy Trails dear boy, may you now run free, without pain and knowing you were loved at the last – be happy at the Bridge and watch over those in similar situtations.

    Thank you for helping this boy know love, and showing him that some humans are worthy of being part of his life.

  3. It is the hardest thing to see; neglect and abuse. It’s alway difficult to know when it is time for the last and kindest mercy. A dog, being God’s perfect gift to man, only deserves, while on this earth, to be treated with kindness and cared for. We all do what we can to make up for the few that choose to ignore this gift. Bless you for being there.

  4. To be loved,
    If only for a moment,
    is what rescue is about.
    Thank you for loving this sweet boy with all that you had & all that you are.

  5. Thank you so much for what you do. Dogs love people, even when they have been hurt, they still forgive and they can love again, if someone like you gives them a chance. Thank you for filling that hole in their lives when their times comes.

    Mogley G. Retriever

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