Missing In Action

Kodak Moment Raja

Raja summer of 1997 at age 4 months, a field in the middle of Canada.

“Don’t just stand there with that shiny thing, let’s go for a walk run.!”

Time has flown by, its hard to believe March is here already. The past year saw a lot of changes for us and we are forging down many new trails this year.

There haven’t been any fosters for a while, and we’re starting to feel a hole in that part of our lives. Besides, or lawn looks far too good right now…we need some pee spots to make it look normal again! So there should be some new paws padding through our digs soon.

One of the things that has taken over a lot of my time is photography. I was fortunate enough to be upgraded to a shiny new Nikon D600, by my better half over the holidays, and have spent many hours learning all it’s awesome new (to me) features. Compared to my D60, it’s like driving a 747 after riding a bike. It has been a big step up for me and I am relishing the ability to push my photography to another stage of learning.

Part of my learning process if to go over old photos and figure out my mistakes. In doing that I came across an old shot of Raja from when he was a puppy. Because I was using a film camera back then, and it was expensive to process the film, we don’t have that many photos of Raja, so I’m scanning some old negatives to expand my tiny Raja collection.

While there are many mistakes in this photo, I love how it captured Raja’s intensity and focus. He was a very high energy and extremely smart dog. Those traits made him one of the most difficult dogs, but at the same time, one of the most amazing dogs I have ever known. I always thought he would have made an excellent search and rescue dog, something I might like to explore with a future companion.

I hope everyone is healthy and happy and full of wide, wagging happiness and we will see more of you soon!

Oh yeah, I’m experimenting with a new look for the blog, let me know what you think.

14 thoughts

  1. Always enjoyed your photos, canine or otherwise…..inspiring and making me appreciate both my golden Gus and the Southern California landscape. Looking forward to more of the same. Sending thanks – in advance!

  2. Welcome back! We all need a little break now and then. But oh, how we’ve missed you! Raja was quite the looker. Those one-in-a-millions will always claim our hearts. Can’t wait to see who comes to pee on your lawn next…

    • Thanks Jeanne, we’ve missed everyone as well. We’re waiting for new pee stains a little longer while we have some construction going on, but we’re looking forward to some 4 legged pals soon:) Raja had a lot of personality and taught me so much about life, he was such a character:)

    • Thanks Elizabeth. Raja was one in a million in may ways. I’m completely stoked about the new camera, it’s amazing and I’ve only scratched the surface of what it’s capable of:)

  3. Raja was a beauty. Glad to have you back posting. My ds got a new camera recently too. I
    look at the pics and they are magical. The new cameras are amazing.
    Looking forward to seeing the photo adventures you go on!

    • Thanks Taria, it’s good to be back. The new cameras are amazing aren’t they? I’m sure your ds will be enjoying the new technology as I will.
      Now if I could get enough time off of work to get out and get more photos:)

  4. So GReat to see you again!

    And with that khool new camera, we will really be looking forward to seeing more!!!

  5. Love the picture of Raja, but found it hard to figure out how to get into the rest of your post. Clicking on the date finally did it, but wasn’t intuitive.

    Glad to see you again.

    Heidi and Daisy.

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