Sunny Saturday #15-”Endless Energy”

Whew, a very busy week! On of our jobs has become trying to find ways to use up Sunny’s puppy energy- a tired puppy is a good puppy:) Between the regular fetching, walking, playing, we managed to fit in some hiking and another swim. I’ll let Sunny tell you about his week…

“Hi, Hi, I’m Sunny and so happy I got to go for a big hike in the small mountains! We walked and walked and walked. It was a beautiful day too! Not too hot and we even had some clouds, which made my mom very happy. I was just happy to explore….”
DBN13_perfect day for a hike

“We found a chair for us to “relax” and look at the views. I liked the seat, it was the perfect size for me!”

DBN13_perfect day for a hike2

“Another day I went swimming again…it was SO MUCH FUN!!! This time I took my orange, floaty Kong. I LOVE my orange, floaty Kong and got it again and again. I’m getting pretty good at swimming and can push myself off the wall of the pool when I turn around. Do you think they would let me go to the next summer Olympics if I practice really hard? That would be pawsome!!!”

DBN13_sunny the fish

“After my swim I got really curly! For some reason this makes my parents smile a lot. Silly! I hope everyone had such a GReat week!”

DBN13_sunny the wave

6 thoughts

  1. I am so happy to see you with a great pup like Sunny. I’ve been following your blog since Spencer and was saddened over your loss of Kona. I just checked in this week and was thrilled to see you with a new family member. I too am raising a golden retriever puppy from a local rescue so your photos and blogs are very personal and hysterical (my pup liked to redecorate with toilet paper too… until she starting chewing on baseboards and furniture… not so cute!). She’s finally past the “eat everything” stage, thank goodness!

    Congratulations- he looks like a fantastic dog.

    • Thanks Maryjo and congrats on your own puppy-welcome to the world of endless puppy energy! Maybe your girl needs her own blog?

    • Ha, ha, we’d go too! Sunny is very curly but on his back only. He has a racing stripe of curls down his back.

  2. I am loving these posts of sweet, mischievous, fuzzy Sunny! Our puppy days are behind us (or so I think); living vicariously through those of you at the whip-end of puppy energy! Thanks for sharing (:

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