Sunny Saturday #7-”A Cloudy Week”

Sunny’s 17th week of life started out great. He was learning new things in training and showing a lot of interest in his world. Of course there was also time for normal puppy shenanigans such as barking and biting, biting, biting – did I mention the biting? Sunny is definitely a normal Golden Retriever puppy …

Sunny Saturday #6-”The Explorer”

Sunny: The Explorer Sunny turned 16 weeks old this week and finished his vaccinations, so the world is his oyster now (or maybe one great big chew toy). We’ve got some great adventures planned for Sunny and we’re looking forward to dog vs the great outdoors!

Sunny Saturday #5-”A Week Of Sunshine”

Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.  -Maori Proverb Another week marked with a lot of firsts for Sunny. He’s losing his puppy “roly-poly-ness” and growing into the “gangly” stage. Sunny found his voice and we heard quite a bit of that this week-this puppy has a lot to say. …

Fall Fun

Fall finally made an appearance in Los Angeles! With the cooler weather, its a lot more fun being outside. So as part of Sunny’s socializing, we took him to a local outdoor mall, The Grove. Sunny had a great time there and was exposed to escalators, elevators, tons of tourists, lots of noise and water …

Sunny Saturday #4-”Crashed”

“Play hard-crash harder“- Sunny It always amazes me how dogs are full-on one minute and completely zonked the next, like someone threw an on/off switch. Sunny had a big training session and then we had a massive play before this moment. He clearly knows what pillows are for:) This week saw big changes in our …

Sunny Saturday #3-”The Climber”

Sunny has turned out to be quite the little climber and thinks things are there for him to scale.It may have begun with Sunny and his brother Clancy, scaling their grandpa Finn’s Clifford the Big Red Dog slide… Or maybe he was inspired by the mountain pillow… Getting on top of deliveries…. An (almost) the …

Some Puppy Cute For Your Week…

Re-posted, due to a glitch in the universe of 1’s & 0’s… Nothing like a cute puppy to get you through the week. Sunny is 13 weeks old this week and growing like a weed! After a good play he takes a nap for his next round of play.

A Day In The LIfe Of Sunny

Hey, Sunny here for a report on how I like to spend my day! I get up early…really, really early…before the sun is up early. My name is Sunny so I’m bright enough for the mornings! This is me waking up my people…. Then I have a yummy breakfast. My mom person hasn’t been fast …

Sunny Saturday #1-“Sleeping”

This Saturday’s theme is “Sleeping Sunny”, yes at 10 weeks old, we actually managed to tucker the little guy out. We’re working on a video of all the activities that led to all this slumbering….oh yes, there was plenty of action leading up to these moments-much of it very early in the morning. The cappuccino …

The Joys of Spaziness

In the few days since he’s been here, Sunny is fitting in nicely to our little family. He’s got all the usual puppy spazziness (or “puppy brain” as I like to call it), but he settles in nicely once he’s burned off that excess energy. We are working hard on manners and Sunny has mastered …

Introducing Sunny

Through a series of fortunate events we find ourselves the guardians of a new family member. Introducing “Sunny”, a 10 week old Golden Retriever pup with a big heart (& giant paws). It’s been over 2 years since we lost Kona to cancer, and the house was starting to feel too empty, so when Sunny …


After a really great time roaming around New Zealand in a van for a month, life is getting back to normal here at home. I went to a dog agility even last weekend to learn about how that all works. The dogs had a lot of fun running the courses and it made me laugh …

Adventures Afar

Oscar & Franky waiting for the mail boat. Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand This year has been a year of big change for us. We took a break from fostering to focus on our work and to travel. I really contemplated whether or not to continue blogging, and decided to take a hiatus  instead of …