My Domain.

As you’ve probably guessed, I pretty much live like a king…good food, lots of attention and a big domain to rule over. And even though I go on lots of adventures, there’s nothing like home…laying in the grass, listening to the fountain and watching over my domain. That’s what days off are for. I like …

Evening Activities.

This evening I was all ready for my evening walk but the humans were taking a very long time getting ready. I waited patiently, ready to go as soon as they were done whatever it was they were doing, that took so long. Finally we were on our way. I like to stop and smell …

The Good Life.

I’m living the good life. We need to take the time and appreciate all the good things in our lives. Here are some of the good things in my life… …brand new tennis balls even though I already have about 100… … humans that like to play games with me… …finishing up a good meal… …