Photos and Food.

The humans are still going crazy  with the new camera and I can’t get a break.  First thing in the morning, click, click, click….I had to cover my eyes.  


The good thing is I got a few extra cookies to pose….


And in the evening we went for pizza….mmmm. There is a great gourmet pizza place, Caioti Pizza Cafe  in Tujunga Village, which is a nice little area with some  cute shops and a few tasty restaurants.  They have tables outside so I get to go too. We had company with us so we went vegetarian and had the sun dried tomato and garlic pizza and the brie, spinach and almond pizza. I enjoyed them both! Here’s my post pizza smile…  


4 thoughts

  1. Ah, that post-pizza moment….some great pics of you with that new camera, Spencer, you handsome old thing.

    Is three tennis balls in your mouth at one go your top limit? Have you tried to fit in just one m..o…r….e…….??

  2. Hi, Spencer.
    It is great that you have the chance to go out to have dinner with your family! I love your pizza smile!
    Have a good night

  3. Did someone say PIZZA??? ummmm!! :(( mom still has me on the green bean diet….Please mom, a little brie on french bread…come on, throw this dog a bone……

    hehe..i’m working the guilt..

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