Noise Pollution.

what the heck? Everyone knows dogs have extremely good hearing, right? So if some noise is annoying you, imagine what I feel like. Which brings me to 2 things that need to be controlled.

1 – leaf blowers

OK I know they seem to make things look cleaner but we all know as soon as the dust they kick up settles, it’s just as dirty as before AND now you have allergy problems. And humans wonder why their allergies are worse in LA? I don’t know about other places but I think per capita, Los Angeles has more leaf blowers than anywhere else. It’s a fashion accessory for gardeners. To make things worse, everyday they all start at 8am and finish at 10am. No other time do you hear the leaf blower. I say they need to be banned or someone needs to invent a silencer for them.

2 – helicopters

Does every news channel in LA need to hover 50 feet over the idiot that ran out of gas on the freeway…for an hour. Of course that hour has to be 5am too. Do they have any idea how loud that is to a dog?! Especially when he’s trying to sleep! You can hear those things for miles. Really, what good are they? Everyone has a cell and can report real accidents and the county has cameras and monitors on practically every inch of the freeways so I really think we don’t need Channel (insert number here) bozos telling us that the 405 is slow….of course it’s slow, it’s the 405, it’s ALWAYS slow! And so is every other old freeway in LA. That’s not news. Oh, their other use is to give us hours of footage of some lowlife in a wife beater or a drunk being chased by the police until he runs out of gas…fascinating, I think not! So I say only police and fire stations should be allowed to have helicopters in the city and no others.

There I just brought the cities’ noise problems down by 25 decibels. And I am a dog.