My Addiction.

ball-dog-2.jpgIf you have just dropped in you might not know I have a little tennis ball problem…ok, it’s not a problem…it’s an addiction. I LOVE tennis balls! They are the only toy I play with. You can keep your woobies and frisbies, all I need is a tennis ball and I am very happy. I like carry them around 3 at a time. I have a basket full of them…there must be around 100 of them in there. I keep some in every room of the house so I’m never far from the tennis balls. I have some in the car, in the studio and in the yard. I take them to bed with me so they are the last thing I see when I go to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake up. I especially like shiny new ones. I even dream about tennis balls. The world needs more tennis balls.ball-dog-1.jpg

3 thoughts

  1. Oh my goodness…I have never seen a dog so interested in tennis balls. My dog Kai likes them, but she only has one. She throw it to herself, she will toss it up and run and get it. It is so amazing how dogs have addictions.

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