Whoo Hoo! Long Weekend!

Whoo hoo, it’s a long weekend! First let’s have a moment of silence for those we are remembering, the brave heroes past and present…..spencer-eyeonball.jpgthanks. Ok, onto the weekend! Weekends are great for trips and this weekend kicks off camping season. Oh boy, I can’t wait to go camping. There are lots of hikes when you go camping. We can’t go this weekend but I hope we can go soon. We do get to go to  a big BBQ this weekend. And, even better, there will be little kids there. That’s good for me because little kids have a hard time  holding onto  food and drop lots of it. That’s where I come in…Spencer’s cleaning service. Mmmm, burgers and chips falling to the ground, it’s almost too good to be true!

2 thoughts

  1. Hi Spencer,

    We would like to tag you from ‘One Dog and Two Birds’ blog in the 8 things you didn’t know about us tag game! Write one of your blog posts as a list of 8 unusual or funny things about yourself and tag somebody else.

    Hope you have a lot of fun camping!


  2. Hi Spencer, it’s me, Frog!
    VERY pleased to hear you will be gettin into the picnic season so early – nothig like a few kids dropping food on he floor, is there?
    I was once awarded a certificate for “Frogtastic Hoovering” after an indoor picnic. it was no trouble!

    One of the advantges of visitng schools after lunch is going through the school hall and finding all those dropped bits – more than a sensible amount of peas, I’ve noticed…..

    Anyway, let’s hope you get to go camping VERY soon – sounds like GREAT fun!

    Love, Frog X

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