The Art of the Roll.

Like many dogs, I enjoy a good roll in the grass. It’s even better if I roll over a few tennis balls while I’m at it. To have a good roll first you must scatter the tennis balls near the rolling spot. Then stretch out on your side and push off with your outer back leg…


…once you are on your back, wiggle back and forth with a crazed look on your face…


…if you have a big tail it helps for extra motion so you can bend into strange shapes…


…complete the roll by returning to your side with a big stretch and a deep sigh, hhhppppmmgghhhh…


…then spend some quality time relaxing on the grass and have a good nap. Now go try it for yourself and see how good it makes you feel!

5 thoughts

  1. you know I love the roll Spence….that final stretch I point my toes so straight mom says in that babyvoice…ohh him’s a ballerina then she kisses my pawpaws… it’s so embarassing… (but I really luv it)

  2. Excellent! I took a short video clip of Floyd (one of my Golden’s) rolling in the grass on the weekend (no tennis balls though!) Always good to watch…

    Nice photos,


  3. Hi, Spencer.
    I do the same but in the rug because I don’t have a yard with grass to roll in. I don’t know if its the same but sure it feels good!
    Have a good night

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