
studio-floor.jpgThis past week it has been hot…hotter than heck! We peaked at 106F (41.1C for our international friends) the past couple of days. You know it’s hot when even at midnight it is close to 100 outside. So my adventures have been from one air conditioned building or car to another. House to car to studio to hospital and back to house.  When get in the air conditioning and I like to  find the coolest part of the floor. I also drink tons of water, which means I then need to pee and to do that I have to run out in the heat, pee and run back in while the humans say “Hurry Spencer, hurry!” so I don’t let all the cool air out. It looks like there might be some relief coming this week because it’s a balmy 97F today. I’ll be glad when it cools off so I can get back to more adventure!

7 thoughts

  1. Oh.. sorry to hear that the weather are so hot there.. here not that good too..suddenly rain for straight 3 days.. then hot.. super hot.. for another 3 days.. then rain none stop.. crazy isn’t it..

    But an ice water.. will be great to have on a hot sunny day!


  2. You are so right Spencer! We couldn’t go for walks even at night because our Mom said it was too hot! A sizzling 92 degrees at 10 pm !! She thought we would burn our paw pads. We didn’t mind too much. It meant more time with our ‘Mom and Dad’ and more treats! Plus, we got to lay around on our water beds! Really – we have water beds. They’re called ‘Canine Cooler’ and filled with water. It cools us off right away. The beds are about 1 inch thick, so they are easy to lay on. We think they should be called “Golden Coolers” because we goldens get to lay on them! But really, Spencer, ask your Mom to order you one. It beats laying on a cold floor. Here’s the link – http://www.caninecooler.com

    Paws up for more ice cream !!!

    Althea and Buddy

    Thanks for the cooler bed tip Althea & Buddy! I’ll get the humans to order me one right away!


  3. Oh Spence, the heat is killing us, too…we walk at 5:30 am and it’s 95 and we walk at 10:30 pm and it’s 95…at noon my sissy Tricia comes home to give me a pee break and while I take my time to sniff in the air of the neighborhood, she says come on Boom…just go..!! and in the meantime..Walmart is putting their Christmas lights on display… mom calls it an oxymoron…. but mom tries to put it all into perspective and looks at me straight in the big browns.. Boomie, we don’t have hurricanes here… big sigh…huh???

  4. Hi, Spencer.
    You are lucky having air conditioned!! The weather here is not so hot now due to this “Felix” thing that is causing lots of rain!!
    Have a good night

  5. Hi Spencer…its hot here too in San Diego…Super Yucko…not as hot as you up north..but hot none the less….drink your water & hug the tile floor..that’s my game plan.
    Love & Licks,

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