A Beautiful Fall Day.

happy-snout.jpgFall is here. Everyone thinks we don’t have any seasons in Los Angeles, but we do have some variation. There is the over 100 degrees weather, which I call Extreme Summer! Then there is the normal hot weather, which is Regular Summer. My favorite is fall when the temperatures are in the 70’s. It’s a good time to take lots of hikes and play in the yard. In the evenings it cools off enough that we can have a fire in the fireplace. I like to lie nearby, (but not too close!) and enjoy the warmth. There is a lot of squirrel activity in the fall for me to watch. They are storing nuts and stuff for winter…silly squirrels; it’s not going to get that cold that there will be no food!



3 thoughts

  1. Hi, Spencer
    The weather you have there in Los Angeles is more or less than the one we have here in Torreon. Extremely hot and never too cold!
    Keep an eye on those silly squirrels!
    Have a good night

  2. Thanks for visiting my site Spencer. It’s a beautiful fall day here in Ohio to0, 75 degrees. Not as good as LA, but oh well.

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