Trick?…Nope, Just Treats.

Halloween is coming up and I’m getting lots of treats for my tricks! These are very tasty dog treats from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. This place has a lot of great treats for humans but this is just for us dogs. They are dog cookies dipped in a white chocolate that has no cocoa or caffeine, which makes it safe for us pups. (Chocolate is toxic to dogs.) I love them but they are a super-special-once-in-a-while-treat.


Then I also got some old standbys from Three Dog Bakery. These were scary treats…a spider in a web, a pumpkin and a ghost. I crunched them all up so everyone is safe!


The approach…



..and faster than the speed of sound, they’re gone! Mmmmm!



9 thoughts

  1. Oh Spencer..

    I want i want.. i want… those treats so yummy!.. i want…

    btw, congratulations on the tennis balls.. i haven’t get one to enjoy putting it inside my mouth yet.. blame it on my mom.. she hasn’t brought back one..


  2. Hi, Spencer.
    Yummilicious treats!!! Of course you deserve them! Enjoy!
    Will you have more of them this next 31th?
    Have a good night

  3. Those look cool spencer…. I don’t mind the sweeties… is the car egging and begging kids I can’t stand….
    Fortunately, I will be out of the country, so the dogs and the DogFather will have to fend for themseleves!

  4. ummm ! those treats look delicious Spencer…you are one lucky and well deserving dawwwg !!


  5. Hi Spencer pal!

    wow you got lotsa treats! and I thought all chocolates are bad for us.. so white choco is fine? have to get some of that white choco too!

    Congrats on the tennis balls.. I can even get one in my mouth..


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