Pet Cancer Awareness Month.


My friend Johann has an excellent post on Pet Cancer Awareness month, which is this month, November. This is a  passionate subject  for my family as they lost their Raja to bone cancer. It is very important to know the signs of cancer for early treatment. There are many organizations performing valuable research in this area so we can find cures for this horrible disease. One such organization is the National Canine Cancer Foundation. They have a lot of good information on their site. Cancer is as devastating disease in both humans and animals and we need to find a cure.

5 thoughts

  1. We hope all the awareness you bring to this horrible disease helps everypup! We are so excited to to see your dogumentary! We know it will be amazing and very, very helpful. Woofs, Johann

  2. Hi Spencer.. oh.. i didn’t know bout cancer on goldies.. thanks for sharing.. i must do my research now.. hmm.. must must gain more knowledge on this..


  3. This is a great post, with lots of information! We go to the vet’s so often, we’ve made friends with the people who poke and prod us. BUT, from now on, we’ll be sure to get our humans to watch out for the warnings signs of cancer.

    Since we’re rescued Goldens, we figure we have at least 2 new lives and we expect to continue to live them to the fullest!

    Thanks again, Spencer.

    Althea and Buddy

  4. Good post Spencer. We lost our lass Myrtle to cancer, and know lots of other dogs who died or are still living with this horrible disease.

  5. Hey Spencer!

    Oh cancer is very common in Goldens. Most Goldens usually die from cancer then anything else…It could be any cancer. Lung, bone, brain, intestine or whatever cancer. It is a very devastating disease… Raja sure was a gorgeous boy. Poor guy.

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

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