Power naps.

I am a big advocate of naps. Naps are good…no…they’re great! Everyone should take naps. I like to  stretch out  in the big room and nap in the sun…


I like to  snooze on one of my beds with my blanket…


And when it cools off at night I curl up snug like a bug…


I even love to sleep in the studio. I have a poofy blanket just for that. I can sleep through anything…


 Did you know that many cultures in the world advocate napping. We here in America go with the 8 hours of sleep a night theory but many places around the world break their sleep up into sections. I say it doesn’t matter when or where just  sleep more and feel better!

10 thoughts

  1. My humans and I are BIG advocates of the afternoon nap!!! My human mom wishes she could get one at work! Hehe. So she sleeps on the commuter train instead! BOL!



  2. Naps are a must in our house! We get up at 5:00 to start work, take a nap at noonish, and work until 11:00. We have to have a nap! And did I mention you have good form, Spencer!

    Woofs, Johann

  3. Spencer, I stopping by to say hello! I´m golden from Brazil! I agree totaly to you, naps are great! I love take naps!

    Love and licks

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  5. Fine advice indeed, Spencer. After turning 40 I found the beauty of the nap…now I love my afternoon nap…and yes…I think it should be part of the culture! (Dogs are so smart).

  6. Spencer, I love to take naps too. I sleep more than I do anything else… You look so cute snuggling on that bed.

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  7. Naps are the best time of day! ….ahhhhhh…….

    Here’s the routine: Our afternoon nap starts at 1pm. We usually nap until 4pm. Both of us lay on the floor and take up as much room as possible.

    After dinner, when Buddy’s belly is full of food, he falls asleep on one of his beds. Sometimes he snores.

    Althea will nap wherever Mike is taking a nap – the couch, the bed, outside,etc. Althea always snores, but she denies it. We know better ;-)

    And then at night, when we all go to sleep, Buddy will wake up and want to play, which makes Althea mad. Finally we all go to sleep and Buddy wakes up at 3 am for no reason at all. Probably to play with his toys.

    We feel so much better during the day because we get our beauty naps. That’s why we’re such Golden beauties!!!! Right, Spencer?

    Happy Turkey Day! We love you!!

    Althea and Buddy

  8. Hi, Spencer.
    You are so right! I am with you! I enjoy my life but of course I enjoy naps too! And I know there is no bad place for one!
    Have a good night

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