Tag I’m It.


I was recently tagged by Techie & Izzie for the 8 random facts tag. Hmmm, is there anything new about me to reveal? Let me see…

  1. I have quite possibly the thickest ears of any dog on the planet.

  2. I  hit the door with my paw, just once, when I want to go out.

  3. I love my blankets (I have 2 of them) and love to curl up in them.

  4. I have very long eyelashes, especially for a dog.

  5. I spend almost every second of the day with my humans.

  6. I have a scar on my snout that is from a cat.

  7. I still love cats.

  8. I like to eat my treats by the fountain in the yard.

I’ve tagged so many others previously so I’m going to leave it up to you if you want to play. Leave a comment if you do.

    6 thoughts

    1. Hi Spencer!
      I like cats too! I have long eyelashes as you. I beat in the door when I want to enter.

      Love and licks

    2. Spencer,
      One of my all time favorite memories is of the first time I ever laid eyes on you…..you had an older kitten that was attacking your face with its claws……and you just took it all in stride…..bless your golden heart.
      BTW….I think you have the longest, most beautiful eyelashes that I have ever seen on a dog….they perfectly frame your big, brown, soulful eyes.


    3. Hi, Spencer
      Thanks for playing this game. I like to know more about you.
      I love my blankies and I have two too! And like you, I spend all day long with my humans!
      Have a good night

    4. OOO! You are so good at playing tag! I often play tag with Obi-Sven in that playing chase kind of way. She always wins! That’s cats for you:0

      Lovely pics of you in school Spencer, isnt it great getting all those hugs??

    5. Spencer, I have very thick ears too & they’re heavy! I got scratched by my bad bad kitty sistas a few times already but I don’t want to learn my lesson coz I like them too much… Thanks for sharing all those great facts about yourself!

      Love licks,
      Solid Gold Dancer

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