Crazy Week.


It’s been a crazy week! Things are busy at the studio and the rain came back to Los Angeles for awhile. All the showers brought the flowers. They are popping up everywhere. The rogue flock of parrots came back too. I don’t know where they went for the winter but they announced their homecoming very loudly in the early morning hours of Sunday. They were so loud that I got out of bed to see what all the commotion was about. Wherever they were for the past couple of months, there must have been a lot of food because they look a little chubby now!

There’s also a peregrine falcon that had moved into the neighborhood. He makes a big racket too sometimes but all the other birds are very quiet when he’s around.

The humans have been sick with some cold / flu bug going around so I missed my hospital pet therapy visit last week. I sure hope I can go soon. In between showers we snuck out for walks. We did get caught in one and got all wet. It made my fur all curly! I don’t mind walking in the rain and at least it’s not cold. The sun came back today so I spent time napping on the patio tonight while the humans BBQ’d.


Maybe all this craziness is because there was a total lunar eclipse on February 20th. We watched the moon disappear and come back. It was kind of creepy but I didn’t howl at it or anything like that.
I sure hope things are back to normal now!


2 thoughts

  1. Hi, Spencer!
    I don’t like rainy days! Means no walkies for me!
    I hope your humans are feeling better now!
    Did you see the eclipse?? My mom forgot it!
    Kisses and hugs

  2. Still raining? That sucks… But lucky you gotta see that eerie moon. I hope your hoomans get well soon so that you can resume your therapy visits.

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

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