
Hello! I’m back again! I haven’t been able to do much blogging lately because work at the studio is very busy and the humans are also renovating the house with any spare moment they have. It all started with the idea to rearrange some of the rooms in the house. It should be easy just a coat of paint, move some furniture around and….wait a minute, what’s this? Wallpaper?! Under 65 years of paint?!!!Oh no!!!! Well, that led to stripping off all the layers of paint, the wallpaper, finally finding the original plaster, repairing that plaster and then painting.

There  was some  mumbling and cursing of all the people who had painted over the wallpaper during this part. If you are ever thinking of painting over wallpaper….DON’T DO IT!! (Even if you see some guy on HGTV do it…we don’t like THAT guy very much.) It’s so much easier to get off before painting over it and eventually the seams will pop out of the paint and look bad anyway.


It was very messy getting all the wallpaper off with the steamer. There were piles of old paper all over the floor and it was sticky from the glue. I wasn’t allowed to help because it would stick to my fur. I am really good about not crossing the door boundary and just watched.


It was finally down to the original plaster from 1945! It was in pretty good shape but needed a smooth coating to even it all out and patch any nail holes. The humans said it looked a little like an Italian villa.


The walls looked brand new once  they were  sanded and primed! Now the fun part begins…painting.


This room is going to be a music room (my humans are musicians…I just like to listen.) so we painted it bright colors to stimulate the brain, BOL!


I came in at this point to do an inspection. I had to be careful not to brush up against the wall because the paint was still wet. Dog hair in paint isn’t really the look we were going for. I gave the paint job two paws up!


We added an accent wall of sage green to compliment the gold color. I think there will be some nice music written in this room. Let’s get some furniture in here!


Now that room is done I can relax a lit…..what the heck??? Now they’ve gone and started on one of the bathrooms!! I see my job as renovation inspector is being extended. So if I’m not around too much for the next while, you’ll know what I’m up to.



6 thoughts

  1. Hardwood floors, nice paint scheme: the room looks great. I’m a fan of fall tones, but are you a Packers fan at all?

  2. Wow, that’s a huge amount of work and I’m sure that supervising is exhausting! Looks like things are getting into shape over there. Hey is that pink tile in the bath? Mum had pink tile like that in her apartment in Dallas, very cool old stuff there. Woofs, Johann

  3. Wow! A lot has been going on at your place! The studio looks nice now. Your hoomans are musicians? That’s good to know. My daddy is a Malaysian Music Composer & my mommy can sing. My hooman M used to sing & play piano but now she’s a little rusty. Anyway, I hope the bathroom will look nice too once it’s done.

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  4. Hi, Spencer!
    Looks like a hard work! Sure it was a mess but now… the room looks great! You have been doing a good job supervising! Show us the bahtroom when is done, ok?
    Kisses and hugs

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