How To Be A Puppy.

The pups, Ben & Jerry, are still here. They will be 7 weeks old this week. They are growing fast. I think it’s because they eat so much. Once they are done eating they have a nap.

While I’m pupsitting I try and teach them the joy of tennis balls. The balls are as big as their head right now so they can’t fully appreciate them….I’ll keep trying, they’ll grow into it.

Ben is a thoughtful and observant little fellow. He has a mellow personality (for a Golden!) and loves to cuddle. He’s always following me around.

Jerry’s face is healing nicely and even the fur is starting to come back a little. He is a very high energy guy. He is always looking for adventure and doesn’t seem to sleep very much for someone with so much energy. I don’t know how he does it.

In the evening we all run around like maniacs and  then have a good dinner after it cools down (it’s very hot here in Los Angeles this week… around 100F or 37.7C) and then we pile in for pets!

4 thoughts

  1. Good to know that Jerry’s face is healing up well. It does looks so much better to me too! I know you three have a lot of fun everyday…

    Butt wiggles,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  2. Hi, Spencer!
    I love those puppy tummies! Its so nice to see that Jerry’s face is healing so well!
    I am sure they will love tennis balls too!
    Kisses and hugs

  3. Spencer-
    You’re just the best!!! You are so good with the kids!!! BRAVO SPENCER!!!!
    Stay cool! It sure is hot here. My mom is letting me and my sister play in the little pool today. It’s alot of fun and it keeps us cool. Talk to you soon friend.


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