I Remember That Puppy Energy.

The pups are feeling a little better which is evident by their shenanigans….and running at full tilt until they fall down. Sometimes they just fall over themselves and summersault. It’s really funny. They are practicing stalking each other…they creep up on one another and pounce. That results in them wrestling around with little puppy teeth snapping at each other. It’s like a mini version of Jaws.

When they’re not getting into mischief (they’re puppies so that’s mostly what they do!) they chill out and actually are kind of cute. Ben likes to chill a lot. He’s a little mellower than Jerry.

Jerry gets so worked up he zooms around…the yard…the house…it doesn’t matter as long as he zooms. When he finally burns off all the energy he poops out and crashes. For some reason he likes to sleep on my tail. I don’t mind as long as he doesn’t bite it!

4 thoughts

  1. Spencer I am so happy that you are showing us lots of pictures of these guys. Is it okay if we post one or two of them on our blog to give a plug to the GR Rescue there?

    Benson and Gibson

  2. Hi Spencer, I just found your blog after looking on Simba’s blog…WOW, I must say that you are one nice dog to let those little puppies live with you and take up some of your snuggle time with your humans! It is hard to give that up even if it is for a good cause! So, I would say Simba is right…you do deserve the Pawesome Pup Award…oh, and your humans too. ;) Have a tail-waggin’ good week!


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