
I was sunning myself in the backyard when I  spotted  a bird sneaking around on the lawn. I decided to go investigate what he was up to.

He was hunting a praying mantis! I scared the bird off and took a good look at the mantis. Can you see him looking back at me? My HD was holding my collar so I didn’t get my nose bit.

This was a really big praying mantis. I think he was getting a drink of water.

I got in really close to him to give him a good sniff.

He got upset and showed me his fighting stance. Hey pal relax! I just saved your life. That bird was going to take you home for dinner, BOL!

And look who was hanging out watching my whole encounter…a lazy squirrel!

14 thoughts

  1. WOW! HM is soooo scared of bugs!! I’d probably have eaten myself. :o)

    Enjoy the sunshine..it’s -10 in Toronto!!! Brrrrrr.

  2. Hello Spencer and Human Parents: TIs I Bobby from “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” I haven’t seen you in such a long time. I love the visitors you have coming to your back yard. We also have praying mantis. Usually we have lots of them but this year we only had one. What is fascinating is getting to see them in the late spring as teensy-tinesy little bitty babies. They are perhaps one inch in length and almost transparent. Sometimes my Mommy gets them to stand on her hand and she talks softly while they gaze into each other’s eyes. then the praying mantis sways back and forth. They were on the endangered species list for many years. There is a fine of $500.00 if somebody kills one. Tell the birds not to eat it or they have to pay up and go to jail.
    I had my Mommy put your link on our SKDD blog so we can see you more often. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! We still think you are so handsome.

  3. Hey there Spencer,
    Holy cats, I’ve never seen one of those bugs and I live in the same neighborhood of california! However, that squirrel looks awfully familiar. How do you do that with the tennis balls, 3 at a time? I have to practice that.
    Great blog and you are one handsome guy.
    Your buddy,

  4. Hi Spencer!!!!!!
    You’re so cute!!!
    and your pictures are great!!!!
    It was very nice of you to save that praying mantis! we have never seen one of those before! T
    hat lazy squirrel looks soo funny….you have a lot of friends in your garden isnt’it???
    you’re lucky!!! :-))))))))))))

  5. My hooman M HATES big nasty looking mantis! But I think they look cute with big bulgy eyes. Well, except for their pincers ofcourse…

    Butt wiggles,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  6. Hi, Spencer!
    You are a hero! It was so nice of you to save that praying mantis from the bird!
    I had a good laugh looking at that lazy squirrel!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

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