
In  loving  memory of Spencer.

March 1, 1998 – February 17, 2009


This is what love looks like, big, true, pure and unconditional. Spencer.

Spencer entered our lives as a foster dog. We had lost our last Golden angel, Raja, seven months earlier to bone cancer. After some time to heal, we decided to foster Goldens for rescue. We got a call late one Thursday in September 2006 that rescue had a senior golden boy but no where for him to go. He arrived at our studio, a large (he was very overweight) beautiful and anxious boy. We were told he was an owner turn in,   that he had been trained to be in movies and could apparently hold 3 tennis balls in his mouth at the same time. That turned out to be true.

We instantly fell in love with Spencer and adopted him into our family.  He  adapted quickly to life with us. He was the gentlest boy with big brown old soul eyes. He loved to greet everyone who came to our recording studio and got cookies from the post lady and the business neighbors in the warehouse next door. He enjoyed many walks daily to local parks and the adoration of neighborhood children.


He was with us on a walk the day we found our dream home and came to all the inspections to make sure it was perfect before we made it our own. He was the  fore-dog  on our renovations and approved all our landscaping. He became the official yard inspector, making his rounds every morning to see what wildlife had come and gone during the night.

With his gentle giant nature, Spencer was a perfect candidate to become a pet therapy dog. He passed his test with flying colors. Big laughs were had when in the wheelchair test, the gentleman whizzed up to Spencer who didn’t flinch and proceeded to put his big head on the man’s lap once he stopped in front of Spencer. He sat with patients during chemotherapy, he got hugs from doctors and nurses dealing with the stress of the job, he knew exactly how to maneuver his nose close to a hand hidden amongst a jungle of IV’s and tubes for patients in pediatric intensive care. Children with IVs would pretend they had a leash like Spencer and ask if he could stay all day to visit while hugging him so tightly. He  willingly  endured tiny baby feet kicking his nose  to make them smile. He had an uncanny knack of knowing just exactly where to go and who needed him most. As we walked down the hallway he would go to those he knew really needed a hug. I just followed his lead. Often time no words were spoken and he just accepted tears falling on his fur while being hugged. When it was too much for Spencer to walk the many halls of the hospital, he became part of a special pet therapy team that specialized in working with stroke and brain trauma patients. These were people who had undergone a massive life change and were often in the hospital for months. Many of these patients would come to adore Spencer and give him their first smile or word in their long road to recovery. He made them laugh when laughter did not seem possible.

NMC pet therapy

One time he went to visit a hospice and while wandering the halls, Spencer came upon a senior lady sitting sullenly in a wheelchair. He parked himself beside her and maneuvered his head strategically under her hand as he was so expert at doing to get pets. She began to stroke his soft fur and smiled. On of the attendants ran over to us and began crying. He told me that she hadn’t smiled in the year since she had been in the hospice. He was so overjoyed to see her smile.


Spencer could stop traffic. On more than one occasion, someone would pull over and get out of their car to hug him. Complete strangers never thought twice about hugging Spencer and while hiking or on walks many would approach and do just that. He was happy to let the neighborhood kids take turns holding his leash and walking with them. You could often hear the kids yelling “Spencer!” ad soon as they spotted him on a walk. He even went to school to help teach kids about the hospital and pet therapy.


He welcomed foster pups into his home. And though he was a senior and not too happy about dealing with young pups jumping on him and always wanting him to play, he let them. When we fostered the tiny 4 week old abandoned Ben & Jerry, they followed him around like he was their mother. They adored him and would snuggle   up into his massive body, all but  disappearing  in Spencer’s fur. When they were gone he looked for them for days.

Spencer loved to be with us and we took him everywhere with us we could. In his time with us he was rarely  separated  from us. He loved to hang out in the studio and would make every work day a lot of fun.

mascot-dog Grind Inc.

Spencer loved to explore new places and we enjoyed his company. He was the perfect beach companion and loved to have lazy days hanging out on the beach. I think he  really  liked the  picnic  part the most.


We loved Spencer more then anything. He was one of those once in a lifetime dogs.


We had the best times with Spencer and though we are broken hearted, we can remember so many wonderful times with him. Many  people  all over the world smiled with Spencer and we are  grateful  that he has touched the lives of so many.


Although we were only  privileged  to know Spencer for an all too brief 2 years and 5 months, he will forever remain in our hearts. We  will  recall the many silly moments, paw pokes, tennis balls and hugs to help heal our aching hearts. Spencer passed away in his own home in the arms of the two people who loved him the most. We would like to thank all of our friends for all the love and support you have sent our way during the time we have had. We will be leaving Spencer’s blog up as a tribute to his life so that maybe even more can smile because of our Golden boy. Please remember one thing about Spencer that made you smile.


Spencer we miss and love you .

PS: If you like this song, it’s “elevation” by U2… go buy it and support the arts!

151 thoughts

  1. Spencer has touched me in some way and I know that I will miss him, even though I hadn’t had the chance to see him in real life. I know that he’s one special dog.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. I have been thinking of Spencer and sharing his story with friends and family. Thank you for sharing him with all of us.

    Thinking of you

  3. Why?
    That’s what we ask.
    The truth is,
    we may never
    be able to know
    for sure why.

    But we do know
    that there is no single
    “should have done”
    or “could have done”
    or “did” or “didn’t do”
    that would have
    changed that why.

    All that love could do
    was done.


    Bless you for opening
    your home to Old Gold,
    from the proud caretakers of
    Remo the Red 1994-2008,
    HoneyBunny 1993-2006 and
    LuckyLucy 1999-2008

  4. I just came over here from another website, and even though I don’t know you and I didn’t know Spencer…it’s very obvious to me that Spencer was a very special dog who was lucky to find you to be his people for the last couple years of his life. You have my deepest sympathy, I know what it is to lose an animal so close to your heart and soul.

  5. I never knew Spencer before I came upon a link to this site just today, but he sounds amazing and for sure he was beautiful. I think if I’d ever met him in person I’d’ve had to give in to the hug urge myself. I’m so sorry you’ve lost him but in taking him in, you gave him almost as big a gift as he gave you. And I am totally certain that he knew it, & was grateful.

  6. Hi,

    I was just catching up with some things when I saw the news of Spencer’s passing on DWB. I never had the pleasure of meeting Spencer but I just spent a little time reading his blog and wanted to convey my sympathies to you. Spencer seems to have been a truly remarkable friend and companion. I hope that time will heal your hearts and that your memories will comfort you.

    with love,

    Ben xxx

  7. What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful boy Spencer. We know that you will have a big hole in your heart, but that dog was so lucky to live with you and share all that love.

    Poppy and mum Q

  8. We miss hearing from you also. We were so glad to see spencer’s video. It is wonderful and such a fitting tribute Surprisingly it did not make me sad, only smile at the love he was. I especially loved the pictures of him from the back and sleeping with his ball. Goldens are such a wonderful tribute to God’s creation. So full of love and kindness, Spencer instinctively knew the needs of others and acted on those feelings to give comfort when needed. How many of us say we do the very same thing. Spencer wasn’t hesitant or embarrased to show and receive love. A lesson for us all to learn. Such a good fine boy. I visit often . Thank you both for sharing. WE all gain from your ability to show and give love.
    Much love,
    Sophie and Mom

  9. Hey HM and HD, Just checking in to see how y’all are doing.  We still hold Spencer and youse guys in our memory and hearts and probably always will.  We enjoyed looking at the video tribute again and smiling over Spencer’s antics.  The trees here are still barren and the skies often grey which was fitting for our feelings when Spencer left us all.  But soon spring will be upon us with a rejuvenation of life.  Our dad is doing a rescue transport today for a Golden Retriever; dad says he’s doing it for Spencer and will think of how much he helped other dogs when he was with us.  Be safe and happy.Homer J., Jubal, J.E.B., Shelby Belle, Jack, Abby, Max, Shiloh, Alex, Boru and Jenny

  10. To Spencer’s Mom and Dad:

    How can we remember only one thing about Spencer? We remember everything! The balls, the squirrels, chicken for dinner, puppies in the face, the beach, the therapy sessions.

    We can’t believe he’s gone now. But at least our buddy is not suffering.

    Thank you so much for sharing his life with us and our Mom. She looked forward most of all to hearing about Spencer. Our Mom is a mess right now, and is hugging us too tight.

    But our Mom sends a special message to you: adopting senior rescued dogs is the most worthy, fulfilling and rewarding effort. She says that you two have made a difference in our world. Thank you for giving Spencer a home – it took him a long time to find the right home – yours.

    We will always hold a special place for Spencer and look forward to seeing him at the Bridge. (Our mom hates that!)

    Thank you for sharing your life and Spencer’s life with all of us. Blessings to you!

    Althea & Buddy

  11. Oh the video tribute to Spencer is absolutely beautiful! You have done a wonderful job of capturing the true Spence! Thank you for sharing him with all of us!

    Stephanie, Gracie & Madison

  12. I was so sorry to hear of Spencer’s passing. I’ve been thinking of you and was a bit reluctant to check your blog for an update…I knew what I’d find.

    My heart goes out to you all.

    Hugs and warm wishes from our family to yours.

    Sue, Jack, Jill and Kona

  13. It’s obvious that Spencer was a lover. I’m so glad he found his peeps and got to spend more than 2 glorious years with them at the end of his journey. It’s also very obvious that Spencer was one loved boy.

    Run like the wind, Spencer!!

    Goober love,

  14. I hope you both are remembering your Spencer with gentle memories. He was so much a part of your family, he will always be missed. I hope for you the days ahead when you can think of him and smile and remember only the good days.

    We miss hearing from you

    Trinity & Grandma

  15. Spencer, I feel you are close by and watching over your HM and HD. The video they made in your honor touched us and we are three thousand miles away. Imagine your impact on those who got to touch your silky fur and kiss your sweet face. You are perfect! We miss and love you, too! :D

  16. I am so sorry for your loss of Spencer.
    Thank you for giving him love and care and a second chance. I’m sure he is thinking of you at the Rainbow Bridge.

  17. Spencer. I am so happy that I was able to know you. You are an inspiration and will always be. I will miss you my friend. Sending big, big, big hugs to your pawrents. I know you will always be with them, and all of us blogging buds. Thank you for sharing your life with all those that met you. I will always remember your kindness, your generosity, your love, and your three tennis balls :) We will always love you and your pawrents. You’re friend, furever…Johann

  18. I am so sorry to hear your sad news. You two humans are such special
    people. Spencer was a special dog and so very lucky to have those
    2+ years with you both. I sat here crying when I read your blog and my
    special golden came up and ‘snouted’ me trying to comfort me. The love of a golden is truly a thing to behold. Both the golden girls here are chasing
    pink tennis balls in memory of Spencer and Raja too. Thank you for sharing
    your life with Spencer. You have all been a joy to ‘know’. Sending warm
    thoughts and hugs to you.
    Taria and her goldens

  19. Dear Spencer’s Daddy and Mommy,

    I came across and saw your blog . I dont know you or Spencer, but just looking at his pictures and his blogs has touched my heart, needless to say how many others’ hearts have he touched. I have never lost a dog and couldnt even bear the thought one day I will lose mine. I know your hearts are not broken because Spencer was brought to this world to make you happy, to make you smile, but not to break anyone’s heart. Thank you for being such a good person to make Spencer happy for the last 2 years of his life, and I know that was the happiest 2 years in his life. He is in peace over the rainbow bridge!

    God Bless,

  20. Michelle & Sangtar,

    In the little over a year that I knew Spencer he was such a loving, wonderful, caring Golden!! My heart goes out to both of you, but hang on to all those wonderful memories and also knowing that Spencer meant sooooo very much to everyone at Northridge Hospital that he came across. I loved the way he would gently come up and rest his head in a lap of someone who needed cheering up and even plop down on the foot of someone just for a rest!!

    He will be missed and remembered FOREVER!!!


  21. Duke and me are so sorry, we want to share a hug with you.
    This blog contains the

    “Memories of one
    who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
    Strength without Insolence,
    Courage without Ferosity,
    and all the Virtues of Man without his Vices.”

    Thanks so much for share. We’ll miss Spencer.

  22. Dear Spencer’s family,

    I am sorry that I never got to know you but I heard about Spencer through other blogs and just wanted to come over and say how sorry I am for your loss – and that I can feel a bit of what you’re going through as my family has also just had a similar loss. My human, Hsin-Yi, lost her father about a month ago and while she was overseas attending his funeral, my “sister”, Lemon the cat, died suddenly in kennels, which was a big shock as she was a young, healthy cat. It was a very sad homecoming.

    Anyway, just wanted to share a hug – my humans can’t imagine what it must be like to lose a dog like Spencer (I’m their first dog so they’re dreading the day…) – this is the most beautiful, moving tribute message to him. He really lived a wonderful life and will be greatly missed.

    Honey the Great Dane

  23. Michelle and Sangtar,
    I have been reading Spencer’s blog for over a year. I cried the day I read about his cancer diagnosis. Not sure if my tears were so much for Spencer, but for the 2 of you and also for my 2 Goldens who are no longer with me and the 2 who I still have with me. My oldest Golden turned 14 years old 2 weeks ago and he has many health problems and we are thankful for each day we still have with him.
    Spencer was truly a magnificent creature, but I must say the two of you are most amazing. You shared Spencer with your neighbors and friends, with the hospital and the hospice and through your eloquent writing ability and the wonderful pictures, you shared him with so many people. When I would have a bad day at work, I would take a peak at the blog and it would always make me smile.
    Thank you for sharing Spencer with me and thank you for just being the kind of people I would like to have as friends….you have wonderful talents and huge hearts. Thank you from my heart, Judy in Colorado and Goldies Hoagy (age 14) and Cody (age 9).

  24. Lovely fotos, my altest golden Zitablue loved mutch tennisball always.
    greetig from Belgium louisette passion golden with Primrose ‘s Dream Cerise, and Zitablue du Bosquet mignon, links blogs ex expats likasi congo Alain + melody inThai, vertpomme Québec friendin.

  25. I’m very sad to say goodbye to Spencer but I do know that he was so loved by you both. You gave him an amazing life. He gave you some amazing times too!

    He really does have soulful eyes. I’ll always remember that.

    As for what made me smile … was seeing him with those tennis balls, lol. He was so proud of himself! Well, it was an amazing trick that’s for sure.

    Thanks for his blog and yes, you should keep it up. I’m going to make mention of Spencer on my cat blog … as a way of honouring all he’s done, and all you’ve done.

    Be good to yourselves, this is a hard time.

  26. Dear Spencer-Angel & your peoples…

    We saw this post the other day & were just too heartbroken & weepy to post…we have been thinking of you & your family so much & even though I know you are running pain free at Rainbow Bridge…We know how much your family loved you & how much they are hurting…

    I dedicated today’s RANDAY to you & your family. I will miss you Spencer…You were always ready to play with tennis balls & always put a smile on my face..

    Love & Licks,

    ***We are so saddened to hear of Spencer’s passing….he fought so courageously to battle his illness & held on so much longer than the time he was given…what a gift to have that time to spend with him…He made us laugh & smile with his beautiful face & love of tennis balls…we are going to miss him so much & our hearts go out to you for such an empty space the must occupy your hearts right now…we are thinking of you…if you need to talk, email, whatever…please feel free to contact us at…we would love to hear more stories of dear Spencer. Love & strength to you both…Randi’s Mom..

  27. This is my first time to your blog dear Spencer….
    and i’ve never read so much in a time before.. I’ve just finished your blog right from the year 2007
    I wish i knew of you earlier.
    You’re the one and only :)
    Little Angel

  28. We wish we would have met Spencer – what a wonderful gentle soul.

    We can feel & see how he touched your family. Love hurts but love also fills a special place…Thank you for loving him & being his family.


  29. Dear Super Spencer, my special dogblog chum, I’m going to miss you very much!
    We’ve been friends since we first started here on blogcatalog, it just wont be the same without you.
    The whole beach house gang is sending big squishy hugs for Spencer’s grown ups. We can’t stop your sadness, but we feel it with you.

    Thank you for being our friend, it was a privilege, Spencer,

  30. I found your blog recently from Spencer’s myspace page and have been reading it and following it. I was so happy the day I went on to myspace and saw that you had changed his pic ( I thought you all were finally back) then went to his page and read the terrible news that he had cancer and my heart broke. I can not tell you how very sorry I am that wonderful, amazing, loving boy Spencer has now gone to the bridge. I saw just last Sunday that you all had a nice Valentine’s then came on Thursday and well the tears just would not stop for you both and angel Spencer.

    It is weird how our lives parallel each other in that I lost my heart girl Tess in March of 06 to hemargiosarcoma. The specialist gave her a few days to a week but she held on for month. My sister then gave me Buddy who was 9 for comfort for Greta. I also then like you started fostering for a golden rescue to give back for my girl Tess. This past Nov. Buddy started limping and then one thing after another. The specialist could not figure out what was wrong and nothing was working. On Christmas eve day surgery was our last resort as the meds were not longer working. They opened him up cancer in the intestines and it had spread and they could not fix him. I had to let him go then at 5:20pm. I had only had him for a little over 2 1/2 years. I miss him so much. I was always drawn to Spencer and now I see why with you having Raja and then Spencer and how they were so much in sink with my Tess and Buddy sadly.

    I know all too well what you are feeling and my heart just breaks for you both. I will cherish my Spencer Christmas cards and he will always be in my heart. He forever will make me smile when I look at one of his 3 tennis balls in the mouth pics….I saved several in my Spencer folder. I have read both your blogs over and over. You truly have a gift for writing and especially from a dogs view. I look forward to reading & seeing your final product.

    I am sure your emotions are all over the place from hurt to anger to just feeling empty without your boy there. Do know that you both are in my thoughts and prayers and we feel your pain as you struggle during this painful time. Please know that we are here for you and if you ever need someone to talk with we are always here for you anytime ok? Just shoot me a message on myspace and I will get right back to you w/ email info or whatever. Sending you both lots of love and hugs and angel kisses to your sweet wonderful boy Spencer…..always in our heats, Barbara (goldengirls&boys in South Carolina)

  31. To the parents of Spencer.
    What big hearts you had to take Spencer into your home and love him. And in return he loved you. Your love filled his heart to the brim with happiness. The look in his soulful eyes showed the love he had inside of him. What a tender heart. I know you miss him- my heart aches for you.
    I know Spencer touched the lives of many people and because of him they felt love- when they possibly could not feel emotion. Spencer was an Angel that lived on earth to touch lives. I came across this story – not knowing Spencer, but it has touched us.
    Pug love to your family

  32. Spencers Hm and HD
    We read your post on the Bumpass Hounds blog today. I’m sure that the tennis ball was a sign from Spencer that he is fine and running free with all his friends. My candle is still lit tonight for him, but I think he is already at the Bridge having fun.
    We again, are so sorry for your loss. A home without a Golden friend can be a very lonely place. We hope you remember all the good times and memories first.
    Trinity & Grandma

  33. Sencer — we never knew you — but reading what your humans wrote, we are in awe of what a wonderul boy you were. We’re sure you have found a new mission over the Rainbow Bridge to make everyone feel better and delight in your presence.

    Wirey woofs,

    Jake and Just Harry.

  34. Boomer’s Mom told me that you were sick. I just never thought you would be gone. I am so, so sad but I will remember all the happiness that you brought your family, and me, and all the people who were so blessed to know you. Our hearts go out to your family at this difficult time and we will be praying for them. Spencer, we will look forward to meeting you at the Bridge. I will bring tennis balls and we can play~WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!
    Your Pal Forever,

  35. To Spencer & your human family:

    Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us!! Your spirits are so beautiful and we will always remember the contribution you have made to so many lives. Thank you for leaving your web site up to cheer us up when we have our down days!

    Love always :)) :))

  36. My heart is broken. I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that you are all in my heart and that today I will wrap my arms around my Duncan and give him extra love. You and Spencer and Raja were inspirations in writing my own blog and I am grateful for your example.

    If you need us, Duncan and I are here to offer whatever support and love we can.

  37. We would have stopped to hug you too Spencer. Goodbye you beautiful boy – you were clearly a very very VERY special dog.

    Sleep well, and thanks for making so many people smile in your lifetime.

    Love Kate, Molly and Gertrude

  38. We’re sorry about your loss. Our condolences go to you.

    We never had the chance to meet Spencer, but I’m sure if we did, he would be the bestest dog friend in the world.

  39. Spencer will live on forever in the hearts of those of us who loved him. Such a sweet soul… until we meet again over the Rainbow Bridge.
    Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers during their time of grief.
    Shadow and family

  40. What a beautiful tribute. Spencer is a very special angel and he will live on in your hearts forever.

  41. You’ve given Spencer the tribute he deserves. What a wonderful dog he was! He certainly made the best of his time here on earth. I would have loved to have hugged him too.

    I believe that you’ll meet up with Spencer again someday. He’s probably watching over you right now and will give you little messages that he’s OK.

    Teddy and T-man Angel

  42. What a beautiful golden, and a beautiful tribute. I think it is so wonderful that he touched so many lives. I cried throughout the entire post. In a few weeks it will be the two year anniversary of the day we lost my Peanut. It is so hard to lose our furry children. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  43. Today I was doodling your name Spencer. I drew a heart shape to enclose it and wondered about where you are right now. I read you crossed The Rainbow Bridge the other day and am glad you were with Michelle and Sangtar. I believe you and your HM and HD will be reunited again. One day I hope to be with you, too. My eyes are leaking for your family because it is hard for them. You are free to run and play in the light of the beyond. Please remember us and we will do the same for you. Spencer … We really love you very much.

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