Holiday Hiatus

DSC_0254 - Version 2 - Version 2

Remember how you used to look forward to the Christmas break when you were a kid? How Christmas seemed like a magical time? Well, now that we’re all grown up, we’re self imposing an early holiday break from blogging. This holiday season, forget all the commercialism, turn off your computer and get out there and enjoy real life…make a snow angel, have a snowball fight, go tobogganing or on a sleigh ride, (okay these are a little hard for us here in SoCal with no snow but you get the idea :), drink hot chocolate by the fire, take your pups for a hike, play a good old fashioned board game but most important, spend time with those you love and really enjoy life.

We’d like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! We’ll see you all in 2010…enjoy the season!!!


20 thoughts

  1. Merry Kwismas and Enjoy the holidays!
    Have a great one :)

    Will be waiting for your return *woof*

  2. Hi Kona,
    I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family! Looking forward to seeing your pixs next year.
    By the way, you got off easy with the santa hat; I have to wear antlers! Yikes!

  3. we will miss you and will look forward to seeing you in the new year..know you will all have some wonderful family time..well deserved..

  4. We love you Kona! Have a wonderful holiday with your family. Thanks as always for the true and most excellent advice. We’ll miss you and see you in 2010.

  5. Happy Holidays to you guys. Hope your break is wonderful.
    I’m not sure Kona is a santa hat dog but he sure looks very
    regal once he pulls it off! Best wishes to you in the new
    year. Thanks for all the joy your page brings us.

  6. Kona
    You look so cute in your Santa Cap. I had my picture taken with Santa yesterday, but I must admit, you look better in the Cap!!!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all

  7. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…..
    have a great great great time dear friends…..
    we’ll miss you a lot……but we’re very very happy for you and Kona you’ll have time to stay together far away from the caos of the world for a little!!!!!
    TAke tons of pics!!!!!
    Enjoy your time….
    we’ll keep your in our hearts…..
    Merry merry merry Christmas to all of you!!!!
    We send you special sweet kisses and hugs…..
    you’re like our family……and we’ll be here waiting you again!!!!!!
    TAke care!!!!!

  8. Yesssss!!! Good for you and we hope you DO get to do all these things! (Kona! Go make a snow angel please and send me a picture of it hehee!) Have the happiest of holidays and we wish you a super 2010!
    Hugs xo
    PS – tried to comment on your gorgeous photos on your Open Shutter blog, but couldn’t get in – but they were wonderful, as always – love how you incorporated Kona! Great textures and colors!

  9. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Kona, Michelle and Sangtar. We hope you have a wonderful holiday. Kona looks so happy as Santa’s helper.

    Tucker, Daisy, Leo and Heidi

  10. Woof! Have a Happy Happy Holidays! YES! It is sure magical time but a TIME for a break is needed. YES! We will be doing the same thing soon … taking a much needed rest and a long Holiday Break. Enjoy you Holiday! I will see you on 2010!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  11. Hey there Kona & M
    We want to wish you a well deserved holiday too! Have a happy Christmas and an awesome time together. M…give Kona the biggest hug yet! (Consider yourself hugged too!)

  12. Happy, Happy Holidays to M,S and Santa Kona.
    Thank you again for opening your hearts and home to Kona.
    Ben, Lance, Tiger, Coop and the Peeps.

  13. My mom is smiling!

    She’s often khommented how magikhal khristmas time seemed when she was a kid fur that reason: the world khame to a stop fur that week or two –

    BUT now life must keep going and going and going!

    Have a GReat HOWLiday!

    Khyra, Khousin Merdie, and Khyra’s Mom

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