Whew, Wednesday.

Whew, it has been absolutely crazy with work and we have had very little time to get online in the past month but we hope everyone is keeping happy and healthy. Kona is almost finished his first round of obedience classes and is doing great. He loves to go because he gets tons of treats (its a positive re-enforcement class…no choke chains, jerking, alpha behavior garbage…just lots of encouragement and treats). Plus, the two lady dogs in class like to flirt with Kona so he has to impress them with some slick moves. Here he is practicing his recall while on a walk…

Hopefully we’ll have more time soon to drop by and catch up. Until then Kona sends out a big smile to all.

14 thoughts

    You’re backkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!
    We missed you tons dear dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!
    And KONA……….awwwwwwwwwwwwww……..we love see your sweet face again!!!!!!!!!
    You’re gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And you look sooooooooooooooooo happy practicing your recall with your daddy!!!!!!!!!!!
    Maya is saying she is a little sad because there are some girls that are flirting with you!!!!!
    She loves you!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww….that girls!!!!!!!!!!!!
    have a great days with your special humans!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WE LOVE YOU A LOT GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sweet kisses and licks and hugs and smiles to all of you!!!!!!!!!!

  2. WheW!!! My mom was really getting worried about you and your humans because it had been so long since we saw you last. Glad to see you’re doing well Kona! My mom said she was going to send me over to your humans to see if they could get me to behave! HA!!! I just really do things to watch her reaction! Gets her every time! Talk to you soon Kona!

    Your friend,


  3. Woof! Woof! Kona … Good to hear from you. Glad you are enjoying your doggie class n being good. Keep It Up. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. Hi Kona
    So happy to see you are doing well! Your recall looks terrific!! I always loved those because of the treats that were waiting!!
    Love to all of you
    Grandma Golden

  5. HIIIII sweet Kona!!!
    Love that recall! I am in class too….actually heading out to (treat reinforced) class in about an hour. Good stuff right!?
    Glad to see you pal! We’ve been thinking about you. So glad we saw this post.

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  6. How nice to see woo again!

    Of khourse they flirt with him – he’s a hunk!

    Khyra & Khousin Merdie By Proxy

  7. Kona looks so happy in the second picture. So nice to see him out of his shell.

    Tucker and Daisy

  8. hello Kona!!
    we miss you!! great to know that you guys are doing well.
    and that you’re being adored by two lovely ladies (are they goldies too?).

    *big hug*

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