The Art Of The Nap

Kona will now demonstrate the fine art of the nap.

First make sure you’re really good and played out before attempting a  nap and then find a really comfy place for you nap (like a bed…one that is not yours is even better!). Relax yourself with a good yawn…

dog, golden retriever

Fall over into a reclining position and make yourself even more comfy. Another good yawn helps a lot here.

dog, golden retriever

Go completely limp and flop over…don’t worry the comfy place is very soft and will cushion your fall.

dog, golden retriever

Wiggle around until you find the perfect position and then fall deep asleep. Snoring should follow shortly accompanied by dreams of chasing squirrels and twitching paws.

dog, golden retriever

***Again we apologize for still not getting around to see everyone…we will be by when things slow down here a bit!

9 thoughts

  1. I heart you Kona man.
    Ben and the Fellas.
    PS – ran into someone who met a golden in a stroke unit in LA, any chance it was you?

  2. awww Kona! love everybit of it!
    makes me wanna snuggle with you (but i dun think you’ll want that cos that’d mean sharing the bed!)

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