Foster : Ciara-Goodbye

Earlly this morning, we said our goodbyes to Foster puppy Ciara. She headed up to Homeward Bound, where we’re sure she will be adopted in no time.

We’ll miss this little moneky but we’re happy she is on her way to a GReat life adventure.

Kona has spent the day in rest & recovery mode, catching up on his sleep.

22 thoughts

  1. Good Luck little girl – I know Kona will enjoy his rest! I remember having a 7 week old foster puppy (Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies), the few days she was with us were exhausting! Charm loved having a youngster around – I think she remembered her days as a Mom. Romeo was just upset the puppy wanted to play with his tail! It was so funny watching him jump on the couch (where the puppy couldn’t reach) and sit on his tail to avoid her. Now she is loving life as Phoebe in Evergreen Colorado. Fostering is such a joy knowing these Goldens get into wonderful homes.

  2. awww, we havent got enuff of the Ciara & Kona pictures!
    but of cos, we hope she’ll be adopted to a good home.

    btw, her eyes are looking much better!
    you guys are great :)

  3. Dear Ciara
    We hope you find your perfect forever family soon
    Thank you guys for helping this little one

    Buddy( 1st time foster in grandma goldens home)

  4. God Bless You Ciara, and I pray that you get a home as good as your foster parents provided for you! I’ll miss seeing your antics on here!

  5. What a sweetie pie! Surely she will grow into a fantastic family furpal :)

    Sweet hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  6. Oh my, you scared me when I saw you had to say goodbye!!

    I hope she finds a home very very soon!

  7. Kona,
    A job well done, Ciara will always remember you.
    God Bless you for helping this puppy to the start of a new life.

    Hamish & Rescue Sophie

  8. Here’s a GReat FURever life Sweet Ciara!

    I’m sure woo took a bit of Kona with woo BUT left a bit of Ciara too!


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