
It is with the heaviest of hearts and streaming tears that I post this.

This is Kona’s bone scan. That bright white dot is a nerve sheath tumor, which means cancer is crushing the nerve sheaths in his armpit and along his spine. That little dot is insidious, as it grows all too quickly. Kona was given not long with this cancer. Surgery to remove the tumor was dangerous because it is nestled in amongst major blood vessels and would require the amputation of Kona’s front right leg. A surgery we felt would not significantly add to the quality nor length of his life.

The cancer is growing far faster than anyone expected and I fear Kona does not have long left for this world.

So we wait. Watching Kona’s every move and doing our best to keep him comfortable and happy as long as we can. When that is no longer possible, we must hold him tight and say our final goodbye.

Cancer takes too many of our loved ones, human and canine both and I wish we could find a cure for this wicked disease.I know so many others have faced this battle and lost. I feel that pain. After losing our Raja and Spencer to cancer, I hate that this is happening to Kona.

Please hug those you love tightly today, for Kona. We may not be around much for awhile but want to thank everyone for all their friendship, we have found through Kona and his adventures here. We love you all.

31 thoughts

  1. Oh guys, oh I’m so sorry! Oh I want to hug and hold Kona. Instead I’ll hold Harlow a little closer today. We’re at the office working on our upcoming trip, and now I’m so glad we brought her into the office. Oh you’ll be in my thoughts so very much!

  2. My God.
    I just came here, after a long long long time of absence, to check out Pipa’s blog, which I’ve been neglecting for so so long. With facebook and all, I just can’t keep up with everything. I’ve been thinking in closing the blog oficially, but then I just can’t do it.
    And now, my heart is completely broken because of Kona. Dear God, you just lost Spencer and I remember so well the day we all knew, here at the blogosphere. I’m crushed that Kona is going through this, and you guys too. Is at times like these that I think that the fact that they are irrational animals is such a blessing. They feel things differently and their will is supreme. My heart is with you and Kona.

    • Thanks Carla & Pipa. I know how you feel about keeping up…we’re social network overextended ourselves:) We are crushed that this is happening, especially in such a short time, but KOna has brought so much happiness into our lives and we will never forget him.

  3. we are… at a loss for words. we know it’s really not easy to deal with news. even for us, it breaks our heart just by reading your post about Kona.

    please stay strong and we really, really hope there is a miracle for Kona.
    we are virtually connected but do know that our hearts are with you.

  4. We have been reading your blog every week for the last two years and we are deeply shocked and saddened by this news. Your photos and blog entries never ceased to delight and inspire us–so much so that we rescued Bo (an older Golden) last November to be an older fur brother to Rusty, our other rescued Golden. We hope your remaining time with Kona will be as happy as it can be, and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Take care,
    Bud, Kavita & Alexander (and Bo & Rusty as well)

  5. With tears, and love of the joy you have shared, Kona… We send hugs and prayers.
    Oh life….such turns. Never let our best days end.

    Sweet hugs,
    Sierra Rose and family.

  6. What?!? Wait… seriously what?!? I am beyond shocked. Was this just a routine scan that you had done or did you feel like something was wrong with Kona? I can’t imagine what your reaction was when finding this information out. I am so sorry! My heart is breaking for you.

    • Hi Elizabeth,
      Kona was limping and we went through numerous diagnosis from arthritis to bone spurs. Having had a Golden who had bone cancer, which has many similar symptoms, we were extra aware of Kona’s condition. When it got worse, we went to a specialist who sent us for an MRI and bone scan and there we found out what was really going on. Kona is our third Golden in 5 years to be diagnosed with a terminal cancer and we are devastated. I wish we could cure cancer or at least help to breed Goldens not so susceptible to cancer (60% of Golden die of cancer in the US). Give Luna a big hug from us from Kona.

  7. Im heart broken. Following your blog and kona’s pictures is something that I look forward every week. I believe you guys are angels by taking in oldens and I think you provided kona with the best life a dog can have my heart goes out to you.

  8. My Golden Khousins and I are so sad fur all –

    This disease SUCKS – big time –

    It hurts us – it hurts our humans – we all hurt bekhause of it –

    We have another furry special Golden pal fighting his own battle with the UGLY C MONSTER –

    My Sibe paws are tightly khrossed –
    The khousins are sending GReat love –
    And Mom is leaking –

    Savour the day –

    Of khourse, we khanines already know that – we need to remind the humans –

    Khyra and The Golden Khousins Merdie and Harley
    PeeEssWoo: And Mom Phyll

  9. I am in total shock and broken hearted for you. I cannot believe you are faced with losing a precious friend again, so soon. We send you oodles of love and we’ll be praying for Kona :(

  10. I am heartsick to hear your sad news. I am so sorry guys. Kona has
    come into our home and become like family (you guys too) We are
    sharing your sadness this morning. I wish I could give you a big hug.
    Kona has been so blessed to find the home he has found with you
    two. We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.

  11. I just wanted to say how sad I am to hear this. Your blog was one of the first blogs I started reading, when Spencer was still with you, and I have loved continuing to read your blog and keeping up with Kona. Give Kona a big hug for me ~ you all will be in my prayers

  12. Oh, this is so not what we wanted to hear. So many of our Golden friends are fighting this terrible battle. We feel so sorry for you, and hope that Kona’s remaining time is happy, and know you will do your best to make it so. Please accept our deepest sympathies. Spencer was the first blog dog I cried over and am so sorry that I am shedding tears for you again.

    Heidi, Tucker and Daisy

  13. To have known who Kona was when he came to rescue & to see how you both brought out all the wonderful, that is Kona is truly an honor.
    I love that boy as if he was my own – you gave him the life he deserved. Thank you for loving him and sharing him thru Kona’s work as a therapy dog and with the blog world.
    Judy and the fellas.

    • Thanks Judy, we own all our wonderful times with Kona to you for saving him. I knew the first time I saw him, he was the one. He has brought so much joy to us and many others in his all too short time here. We are privileged to have him in our lives.

  14. I am in tears for you and Kona. I am so sorry. We just said goodbye Monday to our sweet Holly – our third golden with cancer. I have followed Kona’s story and have loved all the beautiful pictures/captions of him – he has reminded me so much of my beloved Cody. God Bless, Paula

  15. We are so very sorry to hear this. We have lost 4 Goldens to this rotten disease.
    We know you will do what is best for Kona.
    God Bless you, Kona and your entire family.

    Sheila & Bob

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