Foster Kobe-Day 53

Thanks to everyone for the great response to Kobe’s slo-mo video! We had a great (and slobbery) time making it and we were happy to share Kobe smiles.

Kobe is a total doll and is a good sport about me following him around with the camera.

“Here she is with that clicky thing in my face again!”

 Kobe is still looking for his perfect forever home. He is beginning to rally Titus for the longest stay with us as a foster. (Titus was with us for 3 months). Summer is a slow time for rescue with everyone going on holidays and such, so we are happy to keep Kobe company while he patiently waits.

 With his agoraphobia, Kobe builds up some energy during the day, that needs releasing, which he does with some awesome zooms. He spins around and slams his paws on the ground, which is a complete riot. We’ve made a lot of progress with Kobe’s fear of wide open spaces and I can get him to run around the yard with me now. He also enjoys a good play with his stuffies.

“Mine, mine, mine…they’re all MINE!” (If you ever watch Daffy Duck cartoons, you’ll recognize this:)

Kobe is super sweet, silly and pretty low-key for a Golden. We’re sure he’ll find someone to spoil him with the love he deserves soon.

If you live in the greater Los Angeles area and think you might be the perfect fit for Kobe or another Golden in need, please contact The Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles Rescue.

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