Foster Kobe-Adopted!

After spending a wonderful 83 days with us, our foster Kobe has finally found his forever home!

We’re so happy for Kobe and his new family. They are sure to have many smiles from this big bundle of Golden love. These are the bittersweet moments in fostering…letting go, but knowing there is so much love to be had, and so many more to help along their way to finding their homes.

Kobe will always have a special place in my heart.

14 thoughts

    • Thanks Sam! He could have been, they all could be, but it all comes down to destiny:) Don’t worry, one day the one will find his way here and we’ll know:)

  1. Lucky Kobe, and lucky Kobe’s new family. Thanks to your long weeks of TLC and showing him how good a furever home can be. You do SUCH a wonderful thing.

  2. Here’s to wishing Kobe a long and happy life with his new family. You guys are great to give so much time and energy caring for these pooches!

  3. What GReat news!!!!

    Of khourse, we still think he was home already!

    One down….too many more to go but one at a time!


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