Introducing Sunny

Through a series of fortunate events we find ourselves the guardians of a new family member. Introducing “Sunny”, a 10 week old Golden Retriever pup with a big heart (& giant paws). It’s been over 2 years since we lost Kona to cancer, and the house was starting to feel too empty, so when Sunny …

Adventures Afar

Oscar & Franky waiting for the mail boat. Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand This year has been a year of big change for us. We took a break from fostering to focus on our work and to travel. I really contemplated whether or not to continue blogging, and decided to take a hiatus  instead of …

Missing In Action

Raja summer of 1997 at age 4 months, a field in the middle of Canada. “Don’t just stand there with that shiny thing, let’s go for a walk run.!” Time has flown by, its hard to believe March is here already. The past year saw a lot of changes for us and we are forging …

A Smile For The Weekend

I just want to say a big thank you to everyone for all the kind comments on my ramblings about loving and loss. Everyone who has loved someone (dog or human) and gone through the pain of losing them, knows exactly how I feel…both are a universal experience. I didn’t mean to wallow, and I …

Foster Kobe-Adopted!

After spending a wonderful 83 days with us, our foster Kobe has finally found his forever home! We’re so happy for Kobe and his new family. They are sure to have many smiles from this big bundle of Golden love. These are the bittersweet moments in fostering…letting go, but knowing there is so much love …

Foster Kobe-Day 79

Some weekend fun with Kobe…. Hanging out watching the neighborhood parrots squawking. “Holy, moly those parrots are loud!” “Mmmm,  tiny tomatoes were very yummy! Maybe if I sit here looking cute, I’ll get some more.”  (Kobe LOVES tomatoes…and strawberries and beans.) Hope everyone is having a GReat weekend! Get out there with your pups and …

Foster Kobe-Day 77

Kobe is extremely comfortable  around the house, but he is still working on expanding his boundaries outside. We’ve found he enjoys going in the car to places like the pet store for shopping trips and walking down urban areas. As for walking around the neighborhood… “Go on without me. I’ll just sit here and keep …

Foster Kobe-Day 58

Kobe is still looking for the right family to love him forever. In the meantime, he is enjoying hanging out at our place. Like all our dogs, Kobe has discovered the entertainment value of the big windows in the living room. Soaking up afternoon sun and watching the world go by….  All that sunbathing and …

Foster Kobe-Day 47

Because everything looks better in slo-motion! Check out the flying drool in the second kitchen shot:) Music by Liquid Intonation

Kona: Big Goofy Dog Grin

This week I was doing some photo management while migrating my library from Lightroom 3 to 4 and came across a series of photos of Kona that really tugged at my heart. It was just another day in which Kona and I had a great time hanging out. In truth that was pretty much every …

Foster Larry-Adopted!

I’ve been away and came home to great news…Larry has been adopted! A true gem of a dog, Larry is sure to bring lots of smiles and love to his new family. This news is particularly sweet, because Larry was rescued from the shelter whithin an hour from being slated to be euthanized. He is …

Foster Larry-Update

Back home from some traveling and I found this photo of Larry on a roll of film (Kodak Gold400/Nikkormat FTN camera). Larry is now in a foster home in Northern California and is still looking for his forever home. It is hard to believe such an awesome boy has not fond his home yet, but …

Foster : Larry-Day 12

More fun with Larry… He’s just fooling here, Larry gets up bright and early, ready to go for a walk…but the bed is so comfy…. Care to kick the old soccer ball around a bit before work? Chillin’ after an evening walk… And this one is just because…

One From The Past

While organizing my photo library I came across this one, from a year ago, in the archives. We had a 5 hour hike in the mountains that day. Kona probably put on twice as much milage as we did with his extra exploring as we hiked. As soon as we got home, he had dinner and …

The Case of the Curious Pup

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a lovely holiday season and that your 2012 is full of smiles. Here’s a curious pup to get you started.. Who knew lemons could be so enticing to a puppy? She got a couple and played with them for 1/2 an hour:)

Found Treasures

I found an old roll of film in my camera bag from a little over a year ago. This photo of Kona curled up on our bed, made me remember how much he loved to curl up there on a winter morning. It also made me realize my old camera (Nikkormat FTN) needs a tune …