Sweet Dreams.

It rained out today and our hospital pet therapy picnic got canceled. So I napped by the fireplace and dreamt of the park. I was watching all the young pups running around like maniacs. And then I did some running myself! Even the rain couldn’t keep me from enjoying my tennis ball at the park.

A Fall Weekend.

It finally feels like fall here in Los Angeles after some crazy hot weather. The humans and I took advantage of the cooler weather to go walking through some parks. We started with Johnny Carson Park in Burbank. It’s right across from NBC studios and named for the famous Tonight Show host. It has a …

The Thrill Of The Hunt.

Yesterday morning I got up early and went to a park that is famous for having lots of squirrels. I’ve even been told that my humans last dog, Raja, once caught a squirrel here! They say they don’t know who was more shocked, Raja or he squirrel, BOL! Once I got to the park I …

Things To Do On Your Weekend. (Dog Version)

A dog’s life is never dull… even if you are lounging around. As a senior dog I like to rest up and then power through my Sunday. The hardwood floors are a nice cool place to chill out in the summer. Once I’ve stored enough energy, I’m up and ready to make the humans pay …

Cali Coastal Adventure: Part 4- Pacific Grove

Welcome back to my Cali Coastal Adventure!   After  a good night’s sleep we headed a little north to a town called Pacific Grove. We took in the views at Lover’s Point. There was a lot going on there that day. The coast here has a lot of interesting rock formations. The whole bay here …

Cali Coastal Adventure: Part 1- Monterey

Hi everyone…I’m back! After spending time mourning the loss of Ben & Jerry we decided we needed a change of scenery. We packed up and got ready to head up the California coast to the Monterey peninsula. I love adventure so I was really excited and ready to go….let’s get this show on the road! …

Joshua Tree Park Adventure Part 3.

Welcome to the third and last installment of my adventures in Joshua Tree park. I had a great time exploring the upper desert and looking at all the crazy rock formations. While you are in the desert, you have to be careful where you step. There are dangerous plants and animals. Like very prickly cactus… …

Joshua Tree Park Adventure Part 2.

Welcome back to my continuing adventure at Joshua Tree Park! When you get to the park there is a nice information center with very helpful park rangers that can give you a map and tell you a lot of great things to see and do. The only bad thing for dogs is that we are …

Joshua Tree Park Adventure Part 1.

I’m back! Some of my friends were wondering what happened to me because my blog went missing for a little bit. The company who hosts all our company sites moved to a bigger building and all the servers were down for a few days. That meant no e-mail or blogs for a few days. Everything …

Check Up.

Today I went to see Dr. Hernandez, my vet, for my check up. She works at Pet Medical Center in Santa Monica and she takes really good care of me. I jumped in the car and was ready to go. As usual I ended up waiting for the humans to get ready. They are so …

Balboa Park.

Today we went to Balboa Park. It’s an 80 acre park in Van Nuys  with a 27 acre lake in the middle. You can do a lot of things at the park like walk or bike around the lake, rent a pedal boat or kayak, fish, picnic, play with remote control mini boats, golf and …

Wilacre Park

As you may know I love to go exploring. That’s why I love to go hiking. “But Spencer, you live in a humongous metropolis…where can you go hiking?” you may wonder. Well, wonder no more. The Santa Monica Mountains have a lot of trails for hiking in Los Angeles. They are just one of the …