Elusive Parrots.


There are rogue parrots that have moved into our neighborhood. I hear them in the morning when I have my first play of the day. They are very noisy but we like them more than the crows. Crows are sneaky. You can’t trust crows. The parrots are noisy but we rarely see them. They do fast fly overs sometimes.


Here they are  racing by. You can’t see them very good but I think this pair has a nest very near by. Sometimes they sit high in the elm tree in our front yard. So high you can barely see them but we can hear them. Even if you don’t have my super dog hearing, you can hear them loud and clear. They have very pretty colors when you do see them.


I listen very hard but I still can’t understand what they are talking about.

2 thoughts

  1. Ko doesn’t spend much time in the great outdoors. She worries about wrinkles from too much sun. But Jackson loves to hate both crows and squirrels.

    Me, I just want them to sleep in. That’s all.


    Ky and Ko, who love your blog.

  2. Hi, Spencer.
    The parrots are very talkative and like you I never understend what are they a talking about!
    Crows are to see them from far away, I think they have a very funny way to walk!
    Have a nice day

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