

Yesterday we went to the Three Dog Bakery for no particular reason other than I am a very good dog. It’s true, no one ever says “Spencer, you are a BAD DOG.” Nope, not me. I am a good dog all the time. So we picked out some very yummy treats for me. There are  2 pup cakes, peanut  butter bars  and a doggie donut. Mmmm. They look delicious, don’t they?


We brought them home in their little box. Here I am trying to telepathically will the box to fall off the counter so I could eat all the treats….it didn’t work. I’ll have to practice my telepathy.


It’s okay; my humans gave me some of the treats. The peanut butter bar  is fantastic and it doesn’t get stuck to the roof of your mouth. We saved some for tomorrow too so I can dream about the box of treats.

2 thoughts

  1. Oh Spencer, I am so jealous. Those treats are making me crazy. I am gonna try to get my humans to get me some like that. I got lucky and they dropped a Krispy Kreme donut….once…but your’s look even more scumptious. I’ve tried that Jedi telepathic trick thing too. No dice.

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