Froggy Baby.

froggy-baby.jpgI have a frog on my back. That’s right, a frog! He doesn’t look anything like my friend Frog the Dog because this is a real frog.  Ok, well, a stuffy frog. He’s trying to teach me to play with any toy other than a tennis ball. I love tennis balls…can’t get enough of them but I won’t play with any other toys. That’s why I have a closet full of brand new toys. I don’t need anything except pets, tennis balls and a cookie. I like to keep things simple.

Today I went to the hospital to do my pet therapy rounds and I got soooo many pets! When I got home I was very tired because I did almost the whole hospital. So I had a very nice nap and now I’m ready to go for a big evening walk. I hope my walk is uneventful, unlike last night. I was on my walk minding my own business  when a dog, who  was out all by himself with no human, ran over and tried to attack me. Luckily,   my humans grabbed him away from me before anything bad happened. That dog was a BAD dog! He needs to learn some manners! Sheesh!

7 thoughts

  1. The same thing happened to me the other day on my walk, Spencer! A really big dog came out of no where and tried to run me over. It was a golden like you, but at least three times bigger – he needs to get on a diet! Scared me! Woofs, Johann

  2. oh Spencer… i actually wish i can be you.. u are my hero actually.. that u visit hospital and helping so many ppl that needed help..

    guess what.. a dalmation dog came to our house today and wouldn’t want to go.. i guess he is an abandoned dog.. but mom alone can’t catch and handle him.. since am too busy barking.. heheh


  3. Hi Spencer! What’s it with the froggies always hanging out on our backs? Their kinda weird….I’m glad you are OK from your tramatic doggie almost attack the other night on the walk…some doggies just dont’ have manners…blame their peoples…

    Love & Licks,

  4. forgive him. if he was out without an owner he may be upset that he doesnt have a home or a good owner or maybe he has a home but not a good owner. we’re glad you beans was able to stop a fight because it could have been bad.

  5. Gosh Spencer!That must have been pretty scary! I’m so glad your humans got that bad dog away from you and that you’re okay. My human carries a hunting whistle and some pepper spray with her because we have a ton of coyotes here. The whistle really works because a coyote once started coming at us when I was a wee pup and she blew the whistle and the coyote took off running! It has to be a hunting whistle though! Anyway, I’m so glad you’re okay Spencer!

  6. Hey Spencer…

    the frog looks kind of cute, but a frog is just for christmas, Tennis balls are for LIFE!

    Snogs from the dogs

    Kerrio & co

  7. Hi, Spencer
    Simple things are the best!
    Sure you must be very proud of your job at the hospital!
    Mean dog! The same happened to me the other night and it was scary! Glad you are ok!
    Have a good night

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