Lavender Dog.

The night before I go to the hospital to do my pet therapy rounds, I have to have a bath.  They say I  have to look good and smell nice for the humans. I’m a dog…I think I smell fine without lavender shampoo and conditioner! Anyway, it makes all the humans happy so I put up with it and sure enough there’s always someone the next day saying “Spencer, you smell so nice!” The bath part isn’t my favorite part but I really enjoy the spa treatment after. First I get a towel rubdown…


Then I get blown dry. I don’t mind the blow dryer, it feels nice and it makes me very fluffy. I usually just go to sleep during this part. Ahhh, a little more to the right would you?


7 thoughts

  1. wow.. i want to be as nice and smell nice as u too.. but mom tried many shampoo.. but i still smell bad.. how come??


  2. owr beans wish we were as good as you abowt baths. we get groomed and bathed and fight and hate the hair dryer soo much. you seem to be enjoying it. hair dryers are warm but theys lowd and it skares us. we wish someone would make quiet hairdryers….j.d & gus

  3. Hey Spencer, I’m BACK!

    Oh, you’re a therapy dog? That’s nice…I was a therapy dog to, once actually. Been to a disabled people’s homes & me & my sistas really touched sooo many of them & we thought although they are mentally & physically ill, they are the MOST bootiful people in the world! I bet you smell really blossoming now, heeheehee…

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  4. Hi, Spencer
    I love baths! In fact, I demand them. The part I hate is the blower dryer! It scares me a lot! Just a towel is enough for me!
    Have a good night

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