Tasty Weekend.

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend! I spent time running around,  supervising the renovations  and working up a big appetite.

The best part was when the humans decided to BBQ turkey burgers…mmmmm! They always cook some for me so I LOVE BBQing. I think we need to get those on the grill ASAP.

I like to keep an eye on the grilling and make sure no one forgets about the burgers. Are they done yet?

When they were done, all my vigilance paid off….with dinner. Mmmmmm! I had my blanket on because it got a little cool when the sun went away. I love my blanket when it’s chilly.

When the sun came back, I headed outside for a nap. I had a very nice weekend indeed.

5 thoughts

  1. Hi Spencer, we just wanted to stop by and say Howdy! Hope you are enjoying the wonderful weather and keeping busy with the renovations. Looks like you have increased anti-spamming security :)
    Lots of love from all of us in Owen.

  2. Woohoo – turkey burglars for tea! Scrummylicious!
    Hey Spencer, sorry i havent been to see you for AGES, my grown ups have been doing house and garden stuff too. Watch out for that new bath – they might want you to try it out first – youchers!!

    Take it easy out there in the sunshine – at last its hot here too in the UK :)

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