Reno Roundup.

Despite a lot of things going on at work, we’re keeping up with the bathroom renovations. When I am at work I like to hang out and get pets. Here I am  with my human dad  keeping him company. Notice how he has mastered working with one hand and petting me with the other, BOL!

The plumber came and roughed in the new plumbing for the sinks and the tub. He did a nice job. This is where the dual vanity is going.

Here is the rough in for the tub and shower. Next the humans are removing a concrete slab from the floor to prepare the new floor for the tiles. The tub is supposed to be here tomorrow so I hope we can put it in soon…and not because I want a bath or anything, BOL!

In the meantime, we’re getting together all the materials to finish up. That means I get  a lot  of trips to Home Depot and Lowes! I usually hang out with one of the humans in the garden part and smell the flowers. Some people take little dogs in the store but it seems like a   dangerous place for a dog with all the forklifts and stuff.

 These are the floor and wall tiles with the paint chips. The tiles came all the way from Italy, special order. I wish I could have gone to pick them up, that would be a GReat adventure!

All this progress makes me very happy…so happy I have to have a big roll in the grass!