Solo Boys.

Hi everyone, it’s me…Spencer! I’ve been away because it got very busy at the studio. And now my HD and I are flying solo because my HM is in Canada, in a province called Saskatchewan. So things are a little topsy turvy right now! HM is up there filming for the documentary she is working on. She says it’s chilly but not freezing and there’s no snow yet. She sent  us some pictures of where she’s been working….

some fields with lots of hay bales….

… filming buffalo (I wonder what that smells like?!)….

… and deer. ( I bet they are fun to chase!)…..

 … waiting for birds in the marsh. (I’d sniff them out in a second!)…


…and walking around a giant lake. (Looks like good swimming if you’re into that sort of thing.)…

… and crunching through reeds. (I would love to run through that and flush out birds!)…

…and lots of leafless trees. They must be cold all naked like that!

I can’t wait until she comes home so I can sniff her shoes and visit all the places she’s been!

5 thoughts

  1. Glad to hear all is well Spencer. My mom was starting to worry (she does that alot with us pup’s). Oooh, I would love to go swimming there. I just went to the lake on Sunday and had a good swim – most of the other dogs there wouldn’t go in because they thought it was too cold (we live in Vancouver now so these guys don’t know what cold is all about but I used to live in Toronto NOW that is cold!) Chickens! Definitely wasn’t too cold for us Goldens!

    Glad you are well and enjoying hanging out with your dad. I like to hang out with my dad too – he gives me ice cream as a special treat!

    Hang ten buddy!


  2. Oh, has your grown gone to work on her dogumentary? I bet she’s missing you LOADS!
    It’s like when My grown up had to go to London – she was away for SOOO many sleeps, I almost lost count!
    It was worth it though, cos she got some great pics.
    Sounds like it might a very COLD place where she is – hope she’s getting lots of hot choc to keep her going!

  3. Hi, Spencer!
    I am sure you are having a good time with your HD while your HM is there working!
    Thanks for sharing those pictures!
    Have a great weekend
    Kisses and hugs

  4. COOL! Ya, hope she brought a coat..we had some freak snow a few days ago!! and we’re in Toronto!!!

    Enjoy the sunny weather in Cali for us Spencer!!!



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