
Titus is adjusting to his foster life and revealing his true personality. Every foster dog takes some time to adjust and we respect that (except Jake… he was at home from day one… he was the only foster we had that slept a whole night through the first night!) . You never know what these dogs have lived through and can only speculate as to what as happened to them so we give them the time they need to adjust to a normal (ok, maybe spoiled a little) life. Titus is very sweet and craves attention… a true Golden:) He has a beautiful smile that lights up your day.


One of his many endearing qualities is that he likes to lie like a frog.


Titus has a small squirrel obsession… okay, maybe a big squirrel obsession but the squirrels tease him so it’s warranted.


He also is a very vertical dog. He likes to be upright when looking at things and sits like a bear when you scratch him. Here he uses that talent to see what the squirrels are up to.


The squirrels know better than to enter our yard and do a tight rope act across the power line in the back to avoid the dogs. Sometimes they stop in the middle and are very sassy!


Titus loves to watch the squirrels. I think  we might have given him a little obsession… oops! He is very observant to everything going on around him and will even follow helicopters in the sky. He has the cutest howl when vehicles with sirens pass by. The wounds on his legs are finally starting to scab over and we don’t mind when he gives us kisses of salmon breathe.


Titus loves to go on walks and other adventures. Mostly he loves to be with people and get pets. He is is a super sweet guy who deserves the good life. we’re sure he will find someone to love him as much as he deserves.




7 thoughts

  1. Aaahhh I love all the pics but that last one….beautiful! He really does have an amazing head. He sure is having fun at your house!
    Barbara & the gang in SC

  2. Too bad Titus can’t come live with us. We can tell he’s a great dog! And he’s beautiful, too! (Of course, he looks just like me.) Someone will be very lucky to adopt him.

    See ya!

  3. Oh…my…gosh…what a lovely boy you are and such a pretty coat you wear! I just bet you are a sweetheart and ? balls and cuddles and treats and walks and riding in the car, too?

  4. Awwwwwwwwwwwww dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We’re back and we’re very very very happy to hear from you!!!
    We missed you a lot!!!!!!!!!!!
    Titus looks sooooooooooooooooooooo gorgeous!!!!
    we loved watching him in his vertical poses!!!!!
    He seems like Paco……Paco loved a lot stay vertical to discover anything is up on his head!!!!
    Sure Titus is a wonderful dog……..and he’s very very very lucky to have met you both in his life!!!!!
    Lots of love and kisses to all of you…….the 3 great friends of us!!!!!!
    Sweet kisses and cuddles for all of you!!!!!

  5. What a handsome looking dog Titus is ! We share in his squirrel interests .. heheh.

    Licks and wags
    Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack

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