Run Kona, Run!

Yesterday we took an impromptu trip out to the desert to see if the wildflowers were blooming  (they are but not in full force yet). Seeing as how we were in the middle of nowhere we decided to let Kona run free…and boy, did he run!!

He ran up hill and down…

Down an old road (no worry about cars, you could hear them coming from miles away:)…

And back to us…

After all that running it was a good time to power up with a picnic and enjoy the scenery…

All that adventure makes for one happy and tired Kona. He must have been dreaming about running in his sleep (look at his paws:).


Thanks to Murphy for passing along the pawsome sunshine award!!

We’ll just pass it along to all our friends because they brighten our day.

17 thoughts

  1. Congrats on the Sunshine award and again, can’t TELL you how amazing those photos are! We feel we are THERE with you and Kona! What fun he had! And since we’ve been so AWOL, wanted to wish you a Happy Easter! Have a peaceful Sunday!
    Huggers xo from us all,

  2. wow what a great job, you’ve done with kona. You’ve also got a great place to roam around. Up in my neck of the woods we have no where that looks as great as that desert

  3. It’s so cool to let dogs run and run and run free. Fine photos too. California has (in my opinion) never looked so pretty as it does this year — it has to be because of all the rain. Cheers.

  4. Yay for zoomie through the wildflowers!!!!
    Mom’s mom and dad just got back from a little road trip to see the wildflowers in Death Valley…. Beautiful!

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  5. Woof! Woof! I know exactly what you mean … running out in the middle of nowhere is the greatest. Great photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. you know what, we gonna save your pictures and use them on our desktop!
    great pictures – look like those used in the stock libraries :)

  7. How nice that you have a place like that to run! Here we don’t have really large fields – ours have cactus and stickers!


  8. Isn’t running the best? We love it, especially Daisy. Glad you had such a fun day.

    Tucker and Daisy

    P.S. Mom doesn\’t like us to play in the mud puddles, but we do our best.

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