Foster Kobe-Day 38

Whew, it’s been much too long since we’ve blogged!

Kobe is still with us and showing us more and more of his beautiful personality every day.

Kobe is still searching for his perfect forever home. Here are some GReat things about Kobe:

– Kobe is a super love bug and adores people. His favorite thing is to be with his people.

– Kobe is rather low key for a Golden, so you don’t need to be a triathlete to keep up with him!

– Kobe knows his basic commands plus “shake”,  “leave it”, “no” and “go to bed”

– Kobe is fun! Break out the stuffies and he will amuse you, especially if you participate.

– Kobe rides very well in the car

-Kobe is the model of perfect behavior at the vets

– Kobe likes to go to work and shopping with his people if he can

– Kobe gives you the Golden paw to pet him

-Kobe loves horses! (He met a horse who felt the same way about dogs:)

-And who can resist his cute hanging out tongue?!

After coming to us with one of the worst ear infections we have ever seen, Kobe’s ears are nearly cleared up and he is healing up infected paws as well.

 Other than his fear of the great outdoors, and not wanting to share his food and toys with other dogs (people are ok), Kobe is a great example of a Golden Retriever.

If you live in the greater Los Angeles area and think you might be the perfect fit for Kobe or another Golden in need, please contact The Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles Rescue.

6 thoughts

  1. I sure wish he was in AZ – he is such a handsome boy. Our Monty was passed over repeatedly because of some of his OCD habits, but we think we got a perfect dog!


    • He might have a few drops of some other breed in him, but his temperament is pure Gold:) He does have huge paws. They are discolored from his licking them because of an infection, but they will probably clear up when that does. Interestingly, Spencer had the same discoloration on his paws when we first adopted him, and it went away in time.

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